Dont Bite The Hand That Feeds You {Momo}

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She laughed...why is she laughing!? Isn't this supposed to be sad, shes supposed to be hurt or at the very least upset, I mean you are so why isn't she? "Momo, im not making a joke... Im, im really breaking up with you." She wiped a tear from her eye "No your not." You gave her a weird look, you told her your leaving her because shes become way to protective of you and its starting to scare you but she doesn't even seem fazed by the admission or the breakup "Baby, your parents both work at my dad's company. My mom is the one that got you into UA to begin with. I support you financially. If you leave me i'll make you and your family's lifes so bad you'll have no choice but to come crawling back to me, understand?"

You were shocked, this is a side of Momo you've never seen before, "Understand?" She was getting impatient "...Yes." She smiled "Then come here and hold my hand so we can go to the dorms." You grabbed her had and she pulled you closer smile never leaving her face "Now dont you go talking like that ever again unless you want me to remind you why you dont bite the hand that feeds you, or in this case keeps you and your family afloat."

(230 Words)

Requested by: Phantomofthestage

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