Wife 2 {Shirikumo}

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Its been a few weeks since Shirikumo? Kurogiri? Shirigiri kidnapped you, you haven't eaten much and you've slept even less to worried about Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, your kids, and how to escape.   

Shirikumo came in with a tray lunch, he noticed your body twitch the bags under your eyes becoming darker and deeper by the day. He sighed as he sat on the bed next to you "Are you alright dear?" You looked up at him "Im not your wife, I dont wanna be here. I wanna go home and check on Shota, please let me go." "But you said you wanted to marry me, you are my wife." You shook your head "No, I said I wanted to marry the old Oboro. The Oboro who would have never kidnapped me or hurt out friends. The Oboro who gave warm hugs and always wore a sweet smile. I wanted to marry my Oboro."

"But I am the old Oboro, your Oboro. Look i'll show you!" He pulled you onto his lap wrapping you into a hug as the Kurogiri fog face pulled back to show the Shirikumo foggish face that had that smile that always made butterflies swarm in your stomach...and it still did. Its been two weeks since you've last slept, that mixed with the hug still being pretty warm your face fell against his chest as you dozed off. Shirikumo stood and carried you out your room and into his, he curled up with you dead asleep body.

 As he looked at your clearly stressed out face, you look like hell but he still finds you beautiful. For a split second he thinks he should just  warp you into Aizawa's apartment, how happy you would be waking up on his couch- No! Everything was taken from him, even you, so now that hes got you back nothing, nothing! Is going to take you from his cold dead hands.

(326 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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