Name {Vampire Shinsou}

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{Quirkless UA, but vampires have a power specific to them and this takes place in the 17th-18th century, kinda}

You had to be around 5 when you dad, a vampire hunter named Shota Aizawa, sat you in front and looked into your eyes even at that age you could see the sadness and fear he was trying to hide behind his stoic expression "Dont ever leave this cabin." Being 5 you were in that why stage so of course your response was "Why?" He sighed patting your head "Vampires are worse nowadays than ever before, always hunting. If you leave the cabin your going to be in constant danger so its just better if you stay put."

Its been years since that late night talk and you haven't left the cabin since not even to just go out in the front yard, no, you've never crossed the threshold of the doorway since that night. 

"I should only be three days alright." You nodded as you stirred the pot "F/n... are you alright dear?" You turned to him with a smile "Of course dad." He gave you a once over before nodding, yeah your fine spending almost your whole life locked in a tiny secluded cabin never meeting another person other than your dad was just a okay. You would never say that out loud though you know hes doing this for your own good, hes comes face to face with many vampires in his profession so if he says their bloodthirsty killers with no remorse and you dont have a chance of survival against one you believe it.

Hes not world renowned like some hunters, like All Might, in fact your family name is known but he as a person is not, hiding in the shadows to hunting on his own accord not for money or fame but because its in his blood. Your family has been hunting Vampires since before they kept record of things like that so he did it solely because its all he knows how to do by nature. 

You see him off before ever mission, you got up early in the morning before the sun was up to make him breakfast and make sure he had everything he needed for the time he'll be gone. You hug him at the door then you shut and lock all the locks on the door and go about your day finding something anything to occupy your time. After every mission or trip to town Aizawa makes sure he brings you lots more things to do so you'll never be without something to keep you in the cabin.

You sat on the couch reading one of the new books he had gotten you but your eyes kept wandering to the door, sure you had stuff to occupy you but that doesn't mean your mind wont wonder to the forbidden thoughts of running away and living in the woods. The large woods with the fresh air and pretty colors. Before your brain redistured what your body was doing you were outside...You were outside! You looked down at your bare feet standing in the bright green grass and started laughing before flopping backwards onto the ground.

The wind on your face, the grass on your skin, the sounds of nature you longed for was right there and you were in it. After a bit your actually relized what you had done, you left the cabin after your father sacrificed everything to keep you safe you went outside where the bloodthirsty killers could just grab you at any second. You were back in the cabin locking the door not a second later. You looked at yourself in the mirror a bit of grass in your hair and your face had color for the first time in a long time. What are you so afraid of? Aizawa moved here because theres no vampires close by, so by Aizawa's own words you would be fine.

Sure you were a little scared but you refuse to let that rule your life any longer. Dying alone, probably slow and painfully, in this suffocating cabin sounded a lot less appealing than just taking your chances and living for once in your life. You grabbed one of your dad's hunting bags and started going around the cabin packing what you need, if he'll be gone for three you only leave for two he doesn't need to know and he'll never find out. If you dont like it you'll know life in the cabin is the best option for you and if you do like it you'll... cross that bridge when you come to it.

You go to packing clothing and thats when you relized, you had no outside clothing or even shoes for that matter. Your dad never got you any because you didn't need any, you can't go out in your night clothing what if you come across someone. You go to your dad's room and big threw his closet trying to find something to throw on, you find a somewhat large box tucked in the very back of the closet 

Emi's stuff 
Do Not Toss!

Emi... That was your mom's name, you open the box and found a dress, it wasn't really your style but it was your side so it'll do for now. You dug some more and found a pair of shoes to match so you changed and grabbed the bag, here goes nothing. You unlocked the door and stepped outside this time fully aware of what you were doing. You shut the door turned right and just started walking, there was a couple times you wanted to turn around and run home like a scared child but you fought it back.

Finally you legs were acking so much they gave, guess thats what happens when you only need to take 6 steps to get wherever you have to go for around 13 years. You pulled out a water bottle and snack and sat taking in the forests noises "Hello there." You jumped out your skin dropping your water and letting out a bit to loud yelp. You looked over to see the guy flinch back a bit "Sorry-" "No im sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you its just, i've never seen you around these parts before." You gave him a friendly smile "I've never been here before, infact I dont know were here is exactly..." You trailed off because, your lost, you weren't paying attention to where you were going and now you dont know how to get home.

You stood on shaking legs "I may be a little lost." He smiled and the realization hit you all at once, hes got fangs. Your legs were already shaking so trying to take a step back only caused you to fall straight on your ass "Awe is the little human scared now?" You put on your brave face, you won't let him intimidate you "No." His smile never dropped "Brave... or stupid?" You reached for the bag but he was fast snatching it and looking to where you were reaching "A wooden stake? Oh and its dipped in holy water! What are you some kinda rookie hunter?" "No, my father is a professional though." 

His smile widened "Seeking revenge?" You finally got the mind to stand trying to seem more intimidating than you really are "No my father would never let a vampire win!" He chuckled as he went threw the bag "So then tell me little human who is your oh so great father?" "Aizawa." His smile dropped and his eyes widened turning to you with a scowl "Shota Aizawa?" "Yeah so just give me my bag and let me on my way or you'll regret it." He let out a howl of a laugh "Your an Aizawa!? Your kidding you're so puny! Alright, alright, here." He gave you your bag and moved out your way.

"Well better get going then huh oh might Aizawa." You frowned "Well who are you then?" A flicker of light ran threw his eyes "What was that?" "Whats your name-?" Your body went limp where it stood losing all ability to do anything other then see on your own accord. He cupped your face turning it to face him "Im Shinsou, the mindcontroller. For an Aizawa your sure are dumb falling right into my trap, ask my name and I can get into your mind. I should kill you and leave your blood drained broken body at the door steps for your daddy to find, but having an Aizawa for a bride would really get me some recognition among my fellow creatures and bet it would really piss that bastard man off to know your mine and he can't do anything to help you."

He started walking but stopped turning to you, or the flesh puppet that is now you "Well come on now dont have all day." Your body moved to his command following him before soon walking alongside him.

(1529 Words)

Requested by: readerfan_56

I changed it a bit I hope that was ok, got a bit to into this story too lol

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