Sick {Assorted}

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{Only one story tonight, you'll understand why when you read it lol}

Taking care of you when your sick,

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚠𝚊 

Bad Common Cold/Bad Flu

Your in almost complete darkness kneeling in front the toilet head hovering over the bowl when you heard your bathroom door creak open slightly "Kitten?" You can picture his head poking threw the crack eyes closed to 'respect your privacy' while checking on you, you couldn't respond with anything other than a groan as you laid yourself on the floor panting a bit. Aizawa opened his eyes before flipping the bathroom light on he saw your face void of living color with puffy eyes, your sweat drenching your clothes causing them to cling to your body. He walked over and knelt beside you "Whats wrong boo?"

Your arm flopped over to hold your stomach and Aizawa got the hint, he hummed in understanding "I warned you over and over again yesterday about going in the backyard while it was raining and windy but you still went and got all muddy, you never learn. Come on kitty cat." Even during the lecture his voice held only care and worry for you. He helped you sit up and leaned you against the sink cabinet before turning to turn the tub faucet on. He turned back to you and grabbed the hem of your shirt "Is it ok?" Normally no, hell no you would have been trying to kick him. But right now while your body felt like its on fire yes, hell yes get the sandpaper feeling clothing off you! You didn't say that though throat still sore from hurling a bit ago, instead you just gave him a weak nod.

He quickly stripped you trying not to stare to much while you were in this vulnerable and exposed state, you were putting your full trust in him and he wants to you to prove you can keep doing it when your well again. He threw your drenched clothes in the corner to worry about later before picking you up and sinking you in the lukewarm water. He grabbed the cup in the corner of the tub as he rolled his sleeves up and carefully poured the water onto your hair before grabbing your favorite soap. He washed you quick but carefully before standing up "Im gonna go get the towel I put in the dryer for you, I need you to stay awake just a little bit longer alright?" 

You closed your eyes and nodded as he jogged off trying to get back to you as quickly as possible. He came back with your warmed up towel and helped you out before wrapping it around you. He closed the lid of the toilet and sat you down so he could dry you properly, once done he wrapped you back up in the towel and scooped you into his arms. He started walking to his room, halfway there he felt you turn your head to rest it against his chest eyes shut and clearly half in and half out of consciousness. He smiled heart fluttering but he didn't coo about how good your being for him right now, he didn't wanna ruin the 'domestic' mood.

He laid you on his bed before slipping a pair of panties on you, you didn't remember him grabbing them but he probably got them when he got the towel. He left you there to rummage threw his closet before coming back and pulling one of his few short sleeved t-shirts over your head and help your arms into the sleeves. "There we go, comfy?" You hummed just ready to sleep, you do have to admit though his loose fitting shirt was much better on your no longer burning but still hot body. Aizawa crawled onto the bed and pulled you to his chest but not to close to make your body overheat again "Go ahead and take your nap baby, i've got you." 

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 𝕄𝕚𝕔 

Food Poisoning/Stomach Bug 

Mic finished setting the table with a sigh seeing you hadn't come down even though hes called for you four times already. He really doesn't wanna have to drag your butt down here but he will if he has to. He went up the stairs and knocked on your bedroom door giving you the benefit of the doubt "Hey, dinners ready." He didn't hear anything so he opened the door but not walking in yet, he saw you on the bed curled in on yourself "You ok snookums?" You slowly shook your head no so he came in sitting on the edge of your bed a bit worried.

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