Brat {BunnyNight}

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Mirko glared at you from your position standing on top the kitchen island "You must not have heard me-" You cut her off "No I heard you perfectly, I just dont give a shit." You flipped her off causing her eye to twitch as she spoke threw gritted teeth "Then this is your one and only warning, get down." You chuckled "Yeah see I dont really feel like it. Why dont you come up here and get me yourself, unless your to chicken-" You were cut off by a hand chopping your knee, deadlocking you, and causing you to fall into Midnight's arms, shes not supposed to be home for another two hours. She put you down in front her "Look at me." 

When your eyes didn't leave your feet she grabbed your chin and tugged you to look her in those deep purple eyes. "Im so glad you choose today of all the days to act like a fucking brat, do you wanna know why?" When you again defied her but not answering scowled "I asked you a question, bitch." When you felt her nails dig into your skin you winced "Yes ma'am, please tell me why."

"Support made me a new flogger and the whole way home ive been so giddy to break it in!" Her hand quickly went from your chin to the back of your neck and within a second your upper body was slammed against the exact same counter you were just sta...

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"Support made me a new flogger and the whole way home ive been so giddy to break it in!" Her hand quickly went from your chin to the back of your neck and within a second your upper body was slammed against the exact same counter you were just standing on, ass up. "I was gonna be nice and ask of you wanted to help me but since your clearly begging for attention i'll happily give it to you." She let go of the back of your neck to grab your hair and yank only your head up to look in Mirko's direction "But first, apologize to Rumi for being disrespectful." 

You muttered a sorry and your ass was immediately met with a hard smack from the whip "AH!" She tsked "So you can be louder then that, so try again." She swung it again causing tears to perk in your eyes when she whipped you for the third time apologies started streaming out your mouth, almost every word followed by a smack on your ass "Im sorry Rumi! I wont do it again! Please forgive me!" You didn't noticed but Mirko was no longer standing in front you but beside Midnight. 

"Alright K, I think shes learned her lesson, right bunny?" You nodded as tears streamed down your face pitiful sobs falling from your mouth. Mirko grabbed the whip and layed a smack not to your ass but your inner thigh "Words bunny." "Yes! Yes please yes!" Midnight rubbed your butt for a few seconds "Rumi's gonna go warm the water up so you can soak this red bum and im gonna go get you some lotion, be good and stay just like this." "Y-yes Ma'am."

(562 Words)

Requested by: CrimsonRiot_Dragon

This is what a flogger whip looks like,

This is what a flogger whip looks like,

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