Pictures {Mic}

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yoyoyghgh I did it lol🙃

You can still remember the day you two meet, or at least officially meet. First year at UA you only knew your cousin Oboro but he wasn't in your class, class 1H support course, so the only time you got to hang out was during lunch. And even that wasn't enjoyable because on of his friends, Hizashi Yamada, always made your stomach twist into knots. You couldn't put your finger on why since he seemed to not even really acknowledge you much less do anything to make you uncomfortable. 

So you tried to keep even more distance between you to ease the bad feeling in your gut and Oboro must have noticed because he brought Mic over the day you came to visit and officially introduced the two of you and kinda forced you two to hang out. At first you trusted the feeling but if Oboro trust him enough to leave him alone with you then the feeling has to be wrong, maybe its just misplaced. By the time second year came around the feeling was but gone and you and Mic were as close as peas in a pod.

Then the incident happened and you were devastated. You tried to shut everyone out but Mic wasn't having it. He came over everyday letting you cry on his shoulder and making sure you took care of yourself. Its thanks to him that you graduated, right after finishing school you moved into a little apartment on the other side of the city for work but Mic still came as much as he could to catch up and hang out. 

Soon enough you two started dating, then you moved into his house on the outskirts of town and found a new better paying job, and now you two are enjoying married life. Everything was perfect, well except for his office. His home office for him to be able to do his hero paperwork, grading, and prep for his radio show but it had a huge metal lock on the door and Mic never forgets to make sure its locked whether hes in it or not. Hes never let you inside the office, ever, even before you moved in with him it remained locked up tight. Its been 7 years since you two got married and the curiosity got the better of you.

But you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat....

Mic called to tell you he might have to stay late at the station and you couldn't handle it anymore. The key is always on Mic and as far as you know theres no spare but you graduated top of the support course, his speaker was an anniversary present, so a little lock wont stop you. ...Well it stopped you for a good hour, but you got it eventually! It hit the ground with a loud clunk that was weirdly ominous in the all to quite house. The same gut feeling you used to get around Mic came flooding back full force in that moment.

Slowly you pushed the weirdly very heavy door open, was it made of some kind of metal, why does Mic need this much security for a home office!? Eventually you got it open enough to be able  to squeeze threw the crack. You found the light switch and flicked it on. You could feel the bile in the back of your throat, ever. single. inch. of the room was covered in photos of you. You couldn't see the color of the walls or ceiling because their wasn't a single spot that wasn't covered with pictures. Some where ones from the wedding, dates, and the others, others were you in class before you two became friends, you sleeping in your old apartment that were clearly taken from outside your bedroom window, just a bunch of pictures you didn't know he took of you. 

You don't even remember moving but you blinked and were now in the living room, should you run? You didn't get a chance to even think about it before the door swung open "Im home! Oh sorry didn't see you the- are you crying?" Are you? You wiped your face, you are. "Whats wrong?" He reached out for you but you moved away from his touch, you've never done that before so he gave you a confused expression before looking around for what could have possible made you so upset. His face lost color when he saw the door to his office cracked open, lock still on the floor.

He turned back to you quickly snatching your arm and pulling you into his chest "Hey dont cry, its nothing to cry about-" "Your a freak!" He frowned harder "No im not! I love you, love you so much I want to catch every second I can-" "Oh god, I married my stalker!" You sobbed it out causing him to clutch you to his chest harder "Im not a stalker, im your husband, your loving husband who just wants to see you 24/7. You didn't cry when you saw your photo in my wallet and the little album on my phone so why the room?" You pushed away enough to look up at him, he looked genuinely confused "Your crazy! Im everywhere in there! Its not health! Its not normal as a photo in a wallet! You need help Yamada!" His family name hit his ears like a punch, hes Hizashi, hes your Zashi! You started flailing around in hopes of getting free and he panicked as he tried to keep you in his arms.

He moved to fast and banged your head on his speaker causing you to lose footing and hit your head once more on the coffee table on the way down, knocking you out cold. You woke up at the table tied to a chair with foggy memories "What, uh, whats going on?" You jumped when Hizashi placed a plate down in front you "Dinner." "Dinner? Hizashi what day is it? Where am I and why am I tied down?" He gave you a reassuring smile as he pulled a chair to sit next to you "Its Tuesday, your at home, and your tied down because you had a little freak out and I cant trust you not to attake me again right now." 

"Freak out? Uh, my head hurts to much to think." He opened his hand and a few different pills were scattered around his palm "I got you, here open wide." You took what you assume is headache reliever before letting him feed you. By the end of dinner you couldn't even hold you head up on your own. Mic knows you'll understand soon, you just need a little more time to process just how much he loves you and thats okay, he'll give you all the time in the world if you need. Hes perfectly find caring for your every whim till then.

(1189 Words)  

Me and yoyoyghgh were talking and ended up creating this story by accident, I changed it up a bit but yeah it was still fun 

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