Lab {Hatsumi}

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Having Hatsumi as a yandere

-You two meet when you went down to the support lab so Power Loader could help with a problem of your support gear

-She caught you first and she loved how much interest you took in her babies and how you told her she had the reigns, she could do as she pleased with the gear, no ones let her do that before

-You even offered yourself as a lab rat for her support gear everyone else was afraid of even going by

-Shes calling you down to the lab more and more until basically all your free time is spent there 

-Until the day you tell her you cant come 

-Shes upset, she has so stuff lined up for today but you want to study with Kendo

-She cant believe how empty the lab now fills without both your laughter filling it 

-She used to love being alone in the lab but now it feels to big...and lonely

-She hadn't even relized the feelings that had started to have for you until now

-So like the smart person she is she doesn't wanna wait, that could give someone else an opportunity to steal you away

-She opens your dorm to find you and Kendo...locking lips

-She quickly shuts the door and runs back to the lab, how could you do that to her!

-The next time you come into the lab she apologizes for intruding and hooks some stickers and wires to your head 'Their quirk mimics, they allow her to mimic a quirk's effect on you

-It was Shinsou's quirk, lets just say your not locking lips with Kendo anymore

(282 Words)

Requested by: lov4lifegurl

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