Escape {Todoroki}

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"Snowflake I made you some breakfa-" He dropped the plate causing it to shatter spilling its contents all on the floor, the window's broken open and your gone. He ran over to the window and looked down, broken glass and blood litter the ground, no way you've gotten far. He rushed out the door and started following your little blood trail down the driveway and sidewalk. He didn't get a couple blocks before the blood trail got so much worse, now hes panicking. He was running so fast he almost missed it, the blood train turned.

He stopped and looked into the alley to see you laying limp on the ground. He ran in and scooped you into his arms. He placed his head on your chest, your heart was beating. He gave a loud sigh of relief before booking it home.

You woke up in your bed bandaged up and in a new pair of clothes, shit. You sat up only to be pushed back down "You lost a lot of blood, stay down." "Okay." He changed all the bloody bandages before speaking again "Apologize." He gave you the look and you shuttered "Im sorry please dont punish me." He smiled "Good girl," He grabbed your arm hard ",of course im not gonna punish you, im gonna teach you a lesson."

(231 words)

Requested by: Stupid966

Yo im back 🤪

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