You Owe Us {Villain EraserMic}

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You were walking home like every other night since you started working at that god awful coffee shop, You wish you had a car since you live on the bad side of town and walking it is, well, scary. You put your big girl panties on and did it though everyday and everyday its still as anxiety causing as the first time, but that ass of a boss doesn't pay you enough for a car. You walked head straight down eyes on your feet, your used to that, its a bad idea to look at the people that come into that back alley coffee shop for to long. 

Suddenly a voice came from behind you "Hey babe, whats a little thing like you doing walking around these parts alone?" You didn't turn around or spread up, walking faster away shoes fear and thats a bad thing to show in this situation. You kept walking your same speed careful with your voice so it didn't crack "Just walking home." He laughed "Come on babe, why dont you stick around a bit, we can have a little fun~" He grabbed your shoulder, his hand felt way to big causing your heart to drop.

"Hey buddy why dont you take your hands off her!" The voice in front you was so loud it made your ears ring a bit but the man behind you only laughed "And if I dont?" The voice in front you sighed "Alright Sho I gave him a chance, go ahead." Another voice came in the same direction as the loud one "Oh, Gladly~" The hand came off your shoulder as the man behind you yelled out in surprise

Your wobbly legs gave and you closed your eyes falling to your knees, someone picked you up, the loud voice guy but this time his voice was soft "You ok?" You didn't open your eyes just cling to the leather clad chest as he started walking away from the yells of pain. After what must have been a couple blocks he set you down letting you regain yourself as his companion came over "She ok?" You answered for the loud man "Im fine, thank you heroes." You looked up at them for the first time and recognize them, their not heroes they come into the coffee shop all the time.

The blond gave a loud laugh "Heroes? Darling do you not recognize us?" The other guy laughed "Wouldn't be surprised always staring at her shoes like making eye contact will kill her, can't blame you cutie to the right person it might." You took a step back but the other guy grabbed your arm with a vice grip "Ah, ah, ah, your not going anywhere pretty kitty. You see we noticed you at that villain hang out and you always seem so scared, fragil, in need of protecting so we follow you home every night to make sure you get there safe, thats not the first chump thats tried to mess with you were just normally quicker."

The loud one smiled leaning down to get eye level with you "And we've talked it over and well, you owe us." You were suddenly throw over the quiet ones shoulder "Lets get her to her new home im sure she wants to get into something comfy and get off her feet." "Oh we gonna get are snuggle on tonight?" The guy holding you felt you tense up "Not tonight babe lets let her get settled first."

(587 Words)

Requested by: glitchyfandom2

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