Parents {Aizawa}

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The lunch bell rang and Aizawa watched as the last few kids finished the notes he had on the board "Alright go to lunch, and you all better be in the classroom before me after lunch, im looking at you Kaminari." He stood outside the classroom leaning on the wall watching everyone walk to lunch, except you. You always walked the opposite way disappearing in the maze of hallways, well today Aizawa let his curiosity get the better of him and he trailed you from afar.

Its not hard to see your one of Aizawa's favorites, he doesn't try hard to hide it after all, like while if others didn't turn in their homework in its extra training after school but you'll get a small extension. Or like how you once drew Aizawa's scruff, scar, and eyebags on your face and walked around school with toilet paper around your neck just because you were bored in class and he let you borrow his spare scarf and goggles for the rest of the day taking a picture with you, that is now his screen saver, Kaminari knows for a fact if he did that he would have been expelled. 

And lastly the one that caught everyone off guard was when Aizawa gave you guys free time and you asked him if you could do his hair as a joke and he actually agreed. You did space buns with a bunch of cute clips and he left it like that all day, no one knows but he wore it on patrol to since he didn't wanna ruin your hard work by taking it out and a villain got his ass whooped ten times harder for hating on your amazing work.

You finally made it to your destination, the roof. He waited a few minutes before he went up there too. He opened the door to catch you lighting a cigarette, before you could take your first puff your wrist was wrapped in his capture weapon "Aizawa-sensei!?" "What do you think your doing?" "I- uh..." He walked over and took the cigarette throwing it to the ground and stumping it out before placing it in his pocket "Im the one who taught health class so I know that you know those arn't good for you, how can you be a hero with popcorn lungs?" "Im sorry."

He took your bag and found you pack and lighter confiscating both before dragging your butt to his office. He sat you in the chair in front his desk before taking his seat behind it "Why are you smoking, who even bought you that pack?" You only looked down at your feet and Aizawa sighed "Come on L/n, you know I wont put this in your file or anything im doing this as your friend and mentor not your teacher. Why are you smoking?" When he again didn't get an answer he sighed "Arlight, hard way then." You looked up to see him dump your bag on his desk and along with your normal school stuff your phone hit the desk. He grabbed it and unlocked it, of course he knows the password what responsible mentor doesn't know their proteges password.

He clicked your contacts first "Oh a plug emoji I wonder who that is." "You dont have to be a dick about it." "Language, your already in enough trouble young lady I would watch your mouth if I was you." He quickly scanned the messages and found you dont only smoke two different things, you drink too. Going threw your camera roll he found you sneaking out, parting, vandalism, and unlicensed quirk use. He gave you a disappointed dad look and you couldn't take it letting the tears you were fighting finally fall down your check.

He was quickly at your side wrapping you in a hug "I didn't wanna disappoint you, im sorry." He didn't say anything just let you cry, once you were done he pulled away "Why are you doing this, what if someone else had caught you and saw all this stuff? You would have been saying goodbye to your hero currer before it even starts." "...Sometimes life gets hard and its fun to forget the world for a bit." The look on your face said enough for Aizawa to understand "Oh L/n." He hugged you again before grabbing a box of tissues and a mirror "Clean up, class is about to start soon."

You two walk into class together and no one bats an eye assuming Aizawa invited you to eat with him and moving on. The day went by normal other then a few more then normal glances from Aizawa but you assumed he was still upset about earlier probably thinking of an appropriate off the books punishment for you. After school you got in your hero costume and met him in the gym only to find out your punishment was no training and you have to organize his paperwork while he sat on his phone looking and sending Shinsou cat memes since he got the day off so Aizawa could focus on your punishment.

Once it was over you hopped in the passenger seat of Aizawa's old beat up black car like always and turned the radio on. He pulled up to your apartment complex but this time instead of dropping you off he parked and got out with you "Uh-?" "I just need to have a word with your parents." Your stomach sank as you closed his car door. You anxiously walked up to the apartment and unlocked the door him behind you the whole time. You walked into the empty apartment and flipped the light on "Are your parents at work?" "I guess."

He sat on the couch and grabbed the remote "I can wait, so what do you normally do when you get home?" You grabbed the broom "Tighty up." He smiled "Come on dont be boring, come watch tv with me. " You shook your head "Please, look i'll take full responsibility of why you didn't clean when I talk to your parents promise." You finally agreed and sat on the couch next to him as he channel surfed. After a bit of watching some tv show he found he noticed the clock on the wall "Its already 11 and their not home, where do your parents work?" "Im not sure." He stood "Anything to eat, I know it doesn't look like it but im a good cook." You opened the icebox and shook your head which made him laugh "Gotta be something kiddo."

He came over to find your right, who works threw dinner but doesn't leave their kid with stuff to eat? Then another thought hit im about how calm you are, how many times have they done that? "Alright i'll order us something." "You dont have t-" He ruffled your hair "I get snacks during training whats the difference?" You caved and let him order a pizza, you two ate while watching more tv and ended up falling asleep. You woke up the next morning in your bed around noon since it was an off day, you walked into the living room to see Aizawa cleaning up "Morning." "Good morning." He pointed to the table "I ordered you breakfast." "Thanks."

You sat and started eating as Aizawa did the chores you were supposed to do instead of watching tv with him yesterday. Once he was done he sat at the table with you "Where are your parents, and dont say work, be honest." "...Im not sure, they're normally never gone for more then a day and a half." He sighed but it wasn't out of annoyance with you "Alright. See how easy it is to just be honest." He stood and patted your head as he walked towards the bathroom. You two spent the day lounging on the couch until finally the door opened around the time the sun was setting "Whos the grown ass man on my couch!?" 

Aizawa stood "Im L/n's teacher." Your parents tried to fix their messed up appearance "Oh, your Aizawa, uh hello." Aizawa turned to you "Go to your room." You didn't fuse you just went, after a bit of sitting on your bed waiting for anything you heard yelling. You crept out your room and peaked around the wall.

"How dare you try and tell me what I know! Im sure I know more about her then you do!" You gasped and he stopped having heard you, he turning to you "Go sit in the car F/n

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"How dare you try and tell me what I know! Im sure I know more about her then you do!" You gasped and he stopped having heard you, he turning to you "Go sit in the car F/n." He then turned back to your parents continuing to go off on your parents for how their 'raising' you. "Aizawa-sensei please its not tha-

"Car!" You jumped and booked it out the apartment and sat in the passenger's seat of the car

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"Car!" You jumped and booked it out the apartment and sat in the passenger's seat of the car. After a few minutes he came walking to the car. He got in and started driving "Sorry I yelled at you kiddo." "Its ok... where are we going?" "My house, children need structure and stability to be nurtured and cared for and thats clearly not what your getting with those people."  

(1568 Words)

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