Favorite Game {EraserMic}

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"Im gonna find you!" You watched Mic's boots walk past the front of your hiding spot as you let out a muffled giggle. Suddenly hands grabbed you from behind and ripped your from your hiding spot and above your pops head as you squealed in joy. Aizawa came running out the kitchen to see his husband holding their five year old daughter above his head "What are you two doing?" You turned to him with a bright smile "Playing hide and seek, its my favorite game! You should come play with us I bet your really good at it daddy!"


You've managed to wedge yourself between a garbage bin and a wall, you can hear their boots hitting the pavement. You can tell by the sound that Mic is frantically searching while Aizawa is being precise. Aizawa's boots stopped in front your hiding spot as you tried to shallow out your breathing knowing all to well Mic's hearing is so good he can hear a butterfly's wing flap a mile away. Aizawa's boots sifted as if he was looking around the dark alley "Kitten." Oh he sounds mad "I know this is your favorite game but your not gonna like what happens if you keep playing, its time to come in." 

Those words used to mean you didn't wanna leave the park and Aizawa had enough of you childish game of hiding in hopes he gives up and lets you play longer but now, now those words are scary with a much darker meaning. Mic spoke next but it wasn't anger lacing his voice, no it was worry? "Just come out now and you wont be in trouble, promise." You heard that a lot as a kid to and just like now its an obvious lie. You heard Aizawa sigh "Fine, but remember you've done this to yourself, go ahead Mic."

Go ahead with wha- YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!! Your hands shot to cover ears in some primal instinct but it was no use. You felt the blood pouring out your ears, the ringing, the pain it was so bad your vision blurred. You shot up and like a scared child you ran to your pops "Stop! Stop! Please!" You threw your arms around him in a tight hug in hopes of appealing to his parental instants, you think it worked because his quick stopped and you felt him lightly push cotton swabs into your bleeding ears "Can you hear me?" You nodded as tears streamed down your face.

Aizawa came over and handed you some pain reliever and a bottle of water, you dont know what hurt more the fact they just did that to you or the fact they were prepared to care for you after meaning they had planed to do it from the begaining. You walked home one hand in Aizawa's and the other in Mic's as they both belittled you for secretly dating one of their students, lying to them, and running away. Aizawa opened the door and all three of you stepped over Shinsou's body that was now in a pool of blood. Aizawa picked you up and placed you in Mic's arms "You go patch our girl up, i'll get this cleaned up."

(525 Words)

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