Period {Assorted}

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Yandere reaction to you being moody on your period
{As someone whos mood swings get x10 times worse on their period im just using my own swings and hope there relatable enough lol}

Aizawa {Moody: Sad, Angry}

Hes used to moody, he has to deal with 1A almost all day

Hes used to periods, hes known Kayama for 15 years

He can handle it, at least thats what he tells himself as hes scanning the store for the isle with the pads/tampons/diva cup in it

He makes sure to get all your favorite snacks, heating bad, more underwear, all the works just for you

One minute your coming over to him crying basically begging him to hold you while you take a nap, that your stomach hurts, you want chocolate or maybe something salty like chips

Then you wake up and start trying to attack him screaming about how he kidnapped you and how hes crazy 

The more you snap at him the more he wants to unleash a punishment on you but he pulls himself back, it'll be over soon he just keeps telling himself that even as the lamp zips past his head 

Mic {Moody: Sad, Happy}

Same as Aizawa, used to moody and used to periods

But yours are, well Midnight doesn't do this

You wake up crying and you ball the whole time your cleaning yourself up and getting ready

Then a few minutes after your zipping around the house cleaning, organizing, and rearranging

And suddenly he hears a howl of pain and zooms to find you curled into yourself of the floor face scrunched with pain, he picks you up as you whine about it hurting and wishing you didn't have to have a period 

He tires to keep a casual face but watching you go from happily sweeping and mopping the floor to sobbing over a cute squirrel on the tv is something he'll never get used to 

Midoriya {Moody: Empty, Loving}

You had to explain what a period is, how it works, and why you have to have one to him

He loves when your lovable; you sit on his lap and squeeze his checks, pepper his face in random kisses, feed him, let him carry you around, all that stuff

But then you just randomly give him the cold shoulder laying in your bed curled into yourself and only responding with small mummers and no matter what he does you only want to lay down and wait for it to all be over 

And he can only really think to let you

Uraraka {Moody: Emotional}

Uraraka can admit she gets a bit snappy on her period but you get worse

You can go from crying to yelling to smiling 

She makes sure to stay out your way that week knowing its better to just watch you from afar then to go over and get the brute of your period problems 

Midnight {Moody: Happy, Anger, Sad}

She gets upset on her period either angry or sad so she gets the sudden mood chances

But understanding them and dealing with them are two very different things 

One minute the two of you are cracking jokes and the next your face makes that annoyed expression "And what does that mean Kayama?" 

Its down hill from their turning into a full out argument until you throw your hands up in frustration and storm out

Now she has to wait  

A bit later you come in whatever room shes in sobbing and chocking out apologize 

She'll hug you and pet your hair cooing sweet nothings into your hear to calm you down

Ms. Joke {Moody: Anxious, Sad}

Joke hates when your monthly comes because your miserable 

Your either crying yourself silly or worrying over every little small thing 

She'll use her quirk once or twice but that can only get her so far 

She just tries to be their for you whether its a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk you down from whatever plaguing your mind at the moment 

Shigaraki {Moody: Anger, Anxious}

As much as he loves you he has no chance in dealing with any of your period problems especially mood swings

When your yelling and screaming hes trying to hold back tears and when your anxious hes anxious

He drops you on Kurogiri, he'll be dealing with 'that monster' as Shigaraki calls it until your normal again

Shirikumo {Happy, Anxious}

He doesn't and will never understand how you can go from bubbly to panic but he tries his hardest to calm you

He likes to wrap you in a cloud and just let its movements lull you to sleep, cant panic if your taking a nap 

And when your happy he likes to pull you into his lap and let you request different cloud shapes he'll happily make for you 

Shinsou {Moody: Angry, Anxious}

Just like Shigaraki this man is not  dealing with you

He'll put you under his quirk and let you be mellow the whole week, you might be mad at first but then you realize you didn't have to deal with the pain or mess of the period so win for both of you

(885 Words)

Requested by: ThatOneAnnoyinBestie

Ik you requested more but I ran out of fire for this, im sorry 🙏

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