Ŕ̷͌e̷͆̏̿h̶̆a̴̕b̸̓̈́ḯ̶̊̅ͅl̶̕i̸t̸a̷̋̅t̴͌ỉ̷o̴̐̀n̷̤̣͑̋̄ {Ms. Joke}

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When Joke contacted you after being discharged from the metal hospital you were ready to change your number, name, and move continents but after talking to her doctors and therapist and finding out she has the all clear you agreed to meet her at the coffee shop near your new apartment.

When the day came you walked into the shop and found her sitting at a table in the back with two cups of coffee, guess shes already ordered for you guys. You sat and she gave you a smile "Hey L/n." "Hello Joke." You tried to sound professional as possible and she frowned giving a sigh "Look I just wanted to apologize face to face because I feel over the phone wasn't good enough. What I did to you was wrong, and horrible, I realize that now and im so sorry I put you threw it. I understand if you never wanna see me again I just needed to get that off my chest before I could fully move on with my own life." You gave her a smile "Thank you Joke, I forgive you and im glad you understand why I cant have you in my life any longer." You stood, not touching the coffee she bought you "Have a nice life Joke." "You to L/n."

You went home and didn't give her another thought but a wight was finally lifted knowing you didn't have to live in fear anymore. That night though you woke to a weight on your chest, you tried to push whoever was on you away but a hand grabbed your wrist and the other shoved a rag over your mouth and nose "All You had to do was drink the fucking coffee, but no, you always have to be difficult."

(297 Words)

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