Hero Gala {Aizawa}

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You stepped out the limousine and waved to all the flashing cameras to the side, as you walked down the red carpet someone, probably Mic, came over the intercom "Oh look! Ranked 17th in the last gala, Gambling Hero: Lady Luck! Quirk; Dice Roll, her quirk allows her to create a die with every quirk shes come into contact with! She can use which ever quick it lands on after rolled until she rolls again! Like gambling its all up to luck!" 

The second you made it inside and away from all the flashing cameras you let out a sigh of relief, you looked around and saw the sea of heroes before making your way to the bar. You sat at a stool and waved the bartender over but before you could order a voice came from behind you "Whatever the lady orders, all night, go ahead and put it on my tab." You turned and saw number two hero Hawks "Oh, thank you!" He smiled as he took the stool next to you "Dont sweat it, what else am I going to do with all his hero money." He ordered you both a drink before turning back to you "So Lady Luck, what are the chances of me getting lucky tonight?" You chuckled at his wiggling eyebrows causing you to almost chock on your drink "Well gambling is all about taking risk and hoping for your desired outcome. Lucky for you the games already been rigged in your favor-"

A hand was placed on your shoulder and you turned quickly to see un-ranked hero Eraserhead, aka your best friend since middle school Shota Aizawa. You quickly stood and pulled him into a hug he didn't reciprocate "Erasercat!" You pulled away and saw his always unreadable expression "Hey Luck, what ya doing?" You nodded your head towards Hawks "Just talking with Hawks-" "Please call me Keigo." Hawks looked you up and down as he said it and Aizawa turned to him "You dont mind if I borrow her for a second?" Hawks sighed, sultry smile turned to a pout "I guess not, hurry back to me though my little dove." 

You winked to him "As fast as I can." Aizawa grabbed your wrist, hard, and yanked you off towards the back of the party. He pushed you into a large storage closet and slammed the door behind the two of you, he looked real annoyed "Why him?" You cocked your head to the side as a worried smile forms on your face "Heh... what?" His eyes narrowed at you "Why are you flirting with him? I've been trying to get with you since middle school! And you choose a bird!?" You went over and tried to pull him into a hug but he pulled back "Shota are you alright? Did you drink to much? I can bring you home if you nee-" "No! Im not ok! I love you! I've loved you for over 15 years! And you flirt with that dick, right in front me!" 

You were shocked, Aizawa's always been a man of few words and even fewer emotions but now hes screaming and crying pouring his heart out to you while ?drunk?. Shota has always valued straight forward and honesty, not a man who likes to beat around the bush or sugar code things so you didn't "Im sorry Shota, but, I dont feel the same." You reached for door but his capture weapon wrapped around you, your hand started glowing gold "Oh no you dont!" Your quick was faster then his and a die popped out the middle of your palm. As if time was slowed the die fell in slow motion almost, you found yourself chanting please be a mutant quirk, please be a mutant quirk, please be a mutant quirk! Hellflame! Of fucking course!

His eyes were already glowing red so your defenseless now, he shoved you against the wall and started trying your hands behind you back "Remember what you said to Hawks? '...Gambling is all about taking risk and hoping for your desired outcome. Lucky for you the games already been rigged in your favor...'" He chuckled as he pulled you out the closet and started walking towards the back where an exist that lead to an alley was positioned "Well if I just won a rigged game I think that means luck was on my side tonight, right my Lucky Lady."

(746 Words)

Original Idea From: yoyoyghgh

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