Spider {Mic}

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{Magic Au, Y/n is a witch and Hizashi is a big ass Yellow Crab Spider(you can find an image at the bottom of this story of what that spider looks like)}
TW: Image Of Spider at the end of this story, Arachnophobia

You walked along side the old women who called you over after hearing about you from her friend. Shes fretting over the 'demon thing' that lives in the woods behind her house, apparently its scaring the people that go into the woods and at night it comes out and stomps all over her garden but no ones been able to get a good look at it, they just know its huge and apparently terrifying. When you made it to the trail that leads into the woods she grabbed your wrist "Are you sure you wanna go in there? I know I called but if you dont-" You simply gave her a smile "I've already helped you fix garden, I might as well finish the job. I'll be fine."

She nodded "Alright when you send that thing back to where it came come back to the house i'll have your pay ready, and i'll make you a pie." You nodded as you walked past the tree line waiting for this 'demon thing' to come and try and scare you. A good bit into the trail you heard the bushes next to you ruffle and stopped "Hello? Anyone there?" "...No." You almost chuckled, this couldn't be the thing the women told you about, but your still curious of what it is then "You sure?" You squatted next to the bushes and noticed a yellow ?arm? peaking slightly out the bush "Please go away." "Why do you want me to go away?" 

A few seconds past before the think in the bushes answered "The old lady sent you to kill me because shes mad at me." So this is the demon thing? Maybe its a trick, it acting innocent like that. "Why is she mad at you?" The thing popped up from the bushes causing you to yelp and fall on your ass not expecting what popped out the bushes. Its lower body was that of a Yellow Crab Spider and its uper body was a human man with red eyes and long blond hair to match its yellow body, 7 foot tall too. When it saw you fall back it backed away covering its sad expression with his hands "Oh im sorry! I forget im scary! Ugly!"

 You quickly jumped up and slowly approached him "No, no your not scary! Your... your cute! Like a puppy!" He moved his hands from his tear covered face "Cute? No ones called me cute before." You gave him a smile "People fear what they dont understand, you cant fault them fully for it, you just have to find the ones who will stick around long enough to actually understand." He smiled nodding so you moved the conversation back to before your little jump scare "If you dont mind I still wanna know why the old lady is mad at you." He fiddled with his ?claws? as "I like her peaches, and I try really hard to be careful but I still end up messing everything up." 

You nodded along with his story before raising your hands that started to glow a dark green "How about I make you a deal, I grow you some peach trees and you dont go back into the old ladies garden. And i'll block the trail off, no one will come by and accidentally get scared." "Really?" The way his legs moved made it look like he was doing a little happy dance "Yup, all the peaches you could ever eat just for you." "Okay! Deal!" You turned to the trees beside you raising your hands once again. A flash of green blinded the thing for a moment but when he looked again he was pleasantly surprised,

"There you go!" The spider thing grabbed you and ripped you off the ground and into a hug "Oh thank you!" "No problem, but remember your end of the deal

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"There you go!" The spider thing grabbed you and ripped you off the ground and into a hug "Oh thank you!" "No problem, but remember your end of the deal." He nodded profusely "Dont worry I dont need to leave the forest anymore I have everything I need right here peaches and mate!" Its grip on your tightened a bit "Mate!?" Suddenly the thing started to wrap you in its silk so you couldn't move anything other then your neck or head "Yes! Mate said im cute and gave me peaches! Mate will stay here with me and be mother to our children! We're gonna be so happy!" What have you gotten yourself into!

(911 Words)

I love Mic but fuck that shit, my ass would have been gone from the jump, she a runner she a track star 🏃‍♀️

🚧Spider Pics Below, last warning🚧

I had to look up all kinda different spiders to see which was best to be Mic and now I CAN FEEL SHIT CRAWLING ALL ON ME!!! 😭

I had to look up all kinda different spiders to see which was best to be Mic and now I CAN FEEL SHIT CRAWLING ALL ON ME!!! 😭

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