Watched {Shoji}

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"Man training was a killer today, right L/n?" You turned back to Kaminari "Huh, oh yeah." Tokoyami looked you over "You feeling ok L/n? Ever since we moved into the dorm you've been on like high alert." You sighed rubbing your arm lightly "Well... Anybody else feel constantly watched?" When they all shook their heads no you sighed "I feel like theres always eyes on me ever since a week into the dorms."

Jiro hugged you "Im sure its just being in a new environment, it'll pass soon." "I hope your right." Once in the dorms everyone went their own ways, you went to your room to grab your shower supplies and a towel before heading back down to the shower. You threw your sweaty training clothes in the corner and hopped in the shower. After a few minutes you again felt the eyes burning your body "Ugh, just go away!" You quickly finished your shower and wrapped your towel around you and booked it to your room.

You got dressed and laid down in bed wrapping the covers over you and falling into a restless sleep. Shoji slipped the door open and snuck up to your bed lightly sitting down and moving some hair out your face "Sweet dreams F/n."

(216 Words)

Requested by: Gru_The_Dusty_Demon

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