Smile {Mic}

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Mic walked into the apartment since Aizawa had given him a key already. He made his way to Aizawa's office before he heard sniffling, he froze before making his way to where it was coming from. He cracked the door open a bit and saw you sitting on the floor in the corner, crying? "F/n?" You jumped a bit before standing up but not turning to face him "Hey Mic, Sho forgot something?" He walked more in and you finally turned, it was clear you had been crying but you were still trying to cover it. 

"Yeah, his lesson plans for Shinsou's after school lessons... are you ok?" "Of course I am, come on I know where its at." You tried to walk out but he grabbed you "F/n, its me Hizashi, its Zashi you know loudass, you can tell me whats wrong." You pulled your arm away and gave him what was supposed to be a reassuring smile but it only came out as hollow and sad "Im fine Mic." He followed you to Aizawa's study and got the papers "Thanks... promise you'll call if you wan-" You started pushing him to the door "Im fine, you have work to get to and I have chores to do, bye Mic." 

Your so not fine, you have never not once in your entire life called him Mic unless you were hurting, the last time you called him Mic was the day you guys lost Shirakumo. But why would you be in that much pain right now its actually been surprisingly calm lately. He went about his day trying not to thank to much about it but he found his mind always going right back to the sound of your broken cries before you knew someone was there. How can he not think about you, hes known you your whole lives. Your mothers were best friends so you two have known eachother since you were both in your mom's stomachs and grew up together. Joined UA together meet the rooftop gang together.

And thats where things went south, you meet Shota Aizawa and fell head over heels. After highschool you two got married and you've been the happy little housewife ever since... Is that what it is then? He spared Aizawa a glance, was it him? He had to unclench his jaw after he felt the pop and relized he had been clenching it "You ok Mic?" He turned and gave Midnight a smile "Yup!"

After work he pulled Aizawa to him "Heya buddy, mind if I come over for dinner?" Aizawa rolled his eyes "You tired of take out every night?" He laughed and him and Aizawa started walking "You can stay but I got patrol so i'll be back a bit later." Mic nodded "Alright me and F/n can chill I guess." 

Aizawa unlocked the door and was greeted with you standing by the door hollow empty smile plastered across your face but as far as Mic could tell he didn't seem to realize and if he did see how empty it was he ignored it "Welcome home Sho, how was your day?" He only shrugged as he plopped his teachers bag into your hands and walked to the bathroom. Your smile never faded as you turned to Mic "Waiting for him?" "Eating dinner with you guys, what you wanna do while we wait for him to get back?" "I have chourse." "Still!?" "Yup."

Aizawa came out in a fresh suit "Will you be home in time f-" The door closed but you kept smiling, it made Mic feel sick. You went to the bathroom and he followed, he watched you pick up the clothing Aizawa just threw wherever and put them in the hamper before taking it down to the laundry room. You went to start dinner and Mic grabbed the knife to help "I've got it Mi-" "Nah its fine, let me help." 

And you did, it brought back memories for the both of you, of middle school sleepovers where you two would sneak down to the kitchen and cook sweets to stay up all night and talk about anything and everything long before Aizawa stole you away from him. You two finished dinner and you made the plates sitting down to eat "Should we wait for Aizawa?" Mic wanted to kick himself when he saw your real smile he worked so hard to get turn cold again "He'll probably come later on, we should just eat." Mic nodded as he sat grabbing the plate and mouth watering at the smell of a home cooked meal. 

You two were eating in silence until he started laughing "Remember back when we were in elementary and I stubbed my toe and my quirk came out autotuned?" You chuckled "How could I forget my ears were ringing for days if not weeks." He's smile widened "Or highschool when we we 'stole' your dad's car and went camping without telling anyone." You basically snorted "God the look on your mom's face when we pulled into the driveway and even the cop laughed." Your eyes light up for the first time in a long time and you joined in on memory lane "Or what about that time in middle school when we almost caught my house on fire trying to make cookies." 

You two got caught up in memory lane and Aizawa opened the door to see you to hunched over cry laughing at the table "Im home." You stopped and stood "I can warm up dinner for you." "I ate before I came home, Hizashi its time for you to get going." Your smile had all but left and had been replaced with that tv housewife smile "Alright then, i'll put it away and you can eat it for lunch, if you want." Hizashi stood "Alright night Aizawa, night F/n." "Night Mic." You two hugged before he left. 

Mic walked home with his fist clenched so hard veins were prominently showing. Aizawa turned his bright amazingly wonderful songbird into this dull shell of a housewife. Mic also wanted to kick himself for not realizing sooner, you had perfected that smile, the bags under your eyes were deep, and you've gotten used to being alone how could he not see that sooner. He cant let this continue but its clear your in to deep to even think about leaving, thats fine though... better a widow anyways, the hero commission pays good to women who lose their husbands on patrol.

(1089 Words)

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