Daddy Daughter {Aizawa}

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"But we always do daddy daughter sleepovers when I get a night off." Aizawa came into your room to ask which movie you wanted this time to find you getting ready to leave, you gave him a sympathetic smile as you finished fixing your outfit in the mirror "Dad im not five anymore, besides wouldn't you rather have this time to catch up on some sleep or paperwork?" He nodded from the doorway "Yeah guess your right, it is a silly tradition anyways." Suddenly a loud honk sounded and you started walking.

Aizawa moved out the way letting you threw your bedroom archway "Who are you going out with again?" "Just some of your students I meet when I brought you lunch that day. Momo, Tsu, just all the girls." "Oh alright, have fun." He didn't bother walking with you, if your just going out with the girls then he doesn't see a reason to he knows the 1A girls well you'll be fine.

He went to his room and sat on the bed, normally every time he got one of his rare days off you both would bake something sweet, order take out, and watch movies on the couch till you both crashed. Its been a tradition since you were little so to have you just cut it off like that, without even telling him right away made his stomach feel weird. His gut was telling him something and Aizawa's never been one to ignore his gut so he whipped out his phone and checked the tracker he put on yours just to put himself at ease. But you weren't at the movies, or the mall, or any of the 1A girls houses now hes definitely worried.


Hey you never did tell me where you and the girls are going

Oh sorry dad, just the movies😸


Movies huh? He double checked his tracker and your most definitely not at the movies, if fact you're going in the opposite direction. He goes to his closet replacing pajamas with his hero gear, hes gonna drag your ass home and ground you till your his age. Hes walking to his car when trying to figure out where you are, a party? a boys house? Every thought that came had him pushing his foot harder on the gas pedal. He pulled up to a little secluded place off in the countryside when the tracker pinged meaning you were right there, he knows this place Midnight  told him about it back in highschool.

He didn't even bother closing his car door instead he quickly jumped out and started running up the path, he would have driven it but the headlights would have let you and whatever little brat that apparently wants to die know he was there and have time to pretend your not doing what he knows you are. He slowed to a walk as he approached the car, he reached into the open drivers side window and ripped Bakugou out the car throwing him on the ground "What the fu-! Oh shit, Uh, hi Mr. Aizawa."

Aizawa gave him a death glare "Get your ass home and stay as far away from my daughter as you can or you can kiss your spot in UA goodbye, Do you understand me?" "Yes sir!" You were out the car and next to Bakugou now "Dad please calm d-" He turned to you "And you young lady, you not only lied to me about multiple things just today but how long have you been hiding him?" You back down now looking like a scared little girl "Only a couple months but your making a big deal out of nothing just like I knew you would, its the only reason I didn't tell you."

"Nothing? Your lying, sneaking around, and I know what teens come up here to do. Im not making it a big deal it is a big deal." You didn't say anything but you mimicked his 'your being irrational' face, normally Aizawa wouldn't mind a stand off in fact he would see how long you could go before he inevitably won but hes not in the mood right now. He snatched you right up and over his shoulder ignoring your struggling "I'll be calling your mother in the morning to let her know you snuck out, Bakugou." He turned and walked the path back to his car as you pounded your fist on his back screaming at him to put you down and that you hate him but he ignored you. 

Of course your fist didn't hurt him, hes a hardened pro hero of around 12 years hes been through much worse but screaming about hating him made him have to fight back his frown to keep his unreadable face steady. When he got you back to the car he put you in the back seat and buckled your seatbelt like you were just some tantruming toddler before slipping into the driver's seat himself.

You stopped your complaining in favor of staring out the window pouting all the way home, the car was so silent you could hear the blood rushing through your ears. Once home he sent you to your room so you made a show of stomping up the stairs and slamming your bedroom door. You changed into your pajamas and sunk into bed. A bit later Aizawa came in and grabbed all your electronics and your house key. You sat up as he was walking out "What are you doing?" He looked back with a smile like you two didn't just get into an argument.

"Just coming grab things kitten. Go back to sleep we're gonna have a father daughter day all tomorrow and I cant have both of us tired." He laughed but you frowned "I have school-" "Not anymore." He walked out closing the door behind him, you curled into yourself, you didn't like the way he said that. After a bit you made your way to the door trying to open it but found it had been locked from the outside.

(1022 Words)


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