Daddy Daughter 2

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Your not sure how you managed to fall back asleep but apparently you did since you woke up to your dad shaking you and asking what you wanted for breakfast. On a normal daddy daughter day when he asks what you want for breakfast you would answer the same every time, your favorite breakfast that he only ever had time to make on special days like that. But this isn't a normal daddy daughter day that fact was made very clear to you last night, you just rolled over to your other side turning your back to him and ignoring his question completely. 

He gave you a chuckle "Wanna sleep in, alright i'll leave you to it, night kitten." Again you ignored him completely causing him to sigh before leaving the room. You stayed in bed the whole day no matter how many times he came by knocking and asking if you wanted to play a board games or watch some movie, you never answered. He came to the door once again "Time for dinner." The growl of your stomach betrayed you as you rolled over to throw your legs over the side to stand. By the time you reached the kitchen the table was set and he was settled in his seat smiling at you.

You walked over and grabbed your plate and went to your room to eat alone. Aizawa stayed in his seat staring at the stairs you just ran up before going back to his plate with a pout. After he finished and cleaned up before heading to your room and creaking the door open "Finished with your plate." You were laying in your bed, room dark, and back to the door not speaking or moving at all. He grabbed the plate and brought it to the sink, he'll clean it later. He went back to your room to see you hadn't moved an inch, were you asleep? 

He went over and sat on the edge of your bed before scooping you up and cradling you to his chest starting to rock slowly and hum like he did when you were a baby. He looked down at your face to see you awake staring at him with pure annoyance in your eyes but your face was emotionless "So your just gonna ignore me?" Your eyes sharped but nothing else changed, he let out sigh "You did this to yourself you know, all you had to do was follow my rules and none of this would be happening to you." He tucked you in bed and planted a kiss to your forehead that you tried, and failed, to dodged.

He let you go on ignoring him for a full week but by the end of day seven he was at his limit "F/n come done here!" You didn't and when he tried to go and get you he found your door locked, he warned you over and over again to open that door before he did it himself. After a full five minutes of warning you to open the damn door he kicked it in completely breaking the hinges and cracking the door in. He grabbed you by the hair pulling you off the bed and causing you to hit the floor as he dragged you a bit more. Hes not proud of what he did next, not at all, but he still did it in a moment where his anger, fear, and hurt clouded his vision. He hit you, you didn't react other than emotionless face turning into a scowl of pure hatred.

He dropped you before quickly picking you up and hugging you tight to him as he started crying into your shoulder. He started begging you to talk to him, he would do anything just speak! "I hate you." He stopped rambling and pulled his face out your shoulder, you saw him smiling threw the tears "I dont care if you think you hate me as long as you tell me all about it!" 

(673 Words)

Requested by: 09w5g8  NightWing39

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