You Owe Us 2 {Villain EraserMic}

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{I'd commit murder for them^ 🤤 They could 100% treat me like a fucking dog and if they told me to sit, my ass would sit} (like the scars, the bags under the eyes, shiii I dont want kids but they could 🤰me any day)

The walk home was filled with the two having idle chitchat. Every time you served them at the coffee shop they were whispering about their plans and you tried your best to not listen, since that would make you a witness or maybe that counts as accomplice, but now as they laughed and poked fun at one another they seemed a lot less scary "Can i walk?" They both stopped and Aizawa's grip loosened a bit "Are you going to try and run?" "No." Aizawa put you down before fixing your outfit a bit "Thanks....?" He smiled "Call me Shota and this is Hizashi."

You nodded as you felt Hizashi take your hand squeezing it tightly "Well then come on darling dont wanna be out around these parts for to long." They quickly pulled you along to a nice looking house with a huge gate. Shota put the password in as Mic blocked your vision of it, before you knew it you were sat on a comfy couch in the living room. Mic ruffled your hair "Im gonna start dinner, Sho is gonna help you get cleaned up." You were suddenly very aware of the stale coffee smell coming off you. Normally costumers scared you, and since they just kidnapped you, you should be down right terrified but when Aizawa pulled you up and started lightly pushing you to the bedroom you didn't have an ounce of fear in your body.

Why should you be scared? Sure their villains but they admitted to protecting you, if not for them that stupid walk home at 11 in the damn morning would have been your death sentence a long time ago. And now you never have to walk it again, never have to get up at 4 in the morning to walk their either. Never having to waitress in a villain hang out full of people itching to do horrible things to you apparently. Your starting to wonder how many times Aizawa and Mic had to save your ass with no thanks or reward other than you making it home safe, which is more of a reward for you than them in all honesty. 

The bedroom had an adjoining bathroom he lead you into, he pointed to the towel rack, three towels with embroidered names 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲, 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓪, 𝓕/𝓷 "Go ahead and hop in, i'll go get your clothes." 'your clothes' how long had they been preparing for you to, live with them? Is that what you owe them, your company? You didn't get to think more on it because Aizawa came back in with some clothing "Dont just stand around, the waters not gonna bite." You couldn't help but give a small laugh as he placed the pajamas down "Just come back to the living room when your done alright." "Okay." He left closing the bathroom door and you soon heard the bedroom one shut to. 

For the first time in a while you were actually able enjoyed your shower, you took your time scrubbing and once clean you just let the water run on you till it got cold. You got out and dried off before getting dressed, wow perfect fit and their comfy. You went back down and saw Aizawa on the couch "Hey kitten, water didn't bite you to hard huh?" You gave him a smile before glancing to the kitchen causing him to smirk "Zashi said I get in the way of his 'rythem' so im banished to the couch, come keep me company?" You went over to sit next to him but he pulled you onto his lap sideways so your legs were across the other cushions, you rested your face against his pectoral muscle as you both watched the tv.  

Your not sure when you fell asleep but you woke to being lightly shaken, still in Aizawa's hold you peaked an eye open to see Mic's smiling face "Dinners ready." You all went to the table and you took your seat as the two made your plate then theres. You were eating as they again started speaking to each other, it felt oddly, nicely, domestic. Mic placed a hand on your shoulder lightly shaking it "Whatcha wanna do after dinner cutie?" "Sleep." He laughed "Well im sure running on barely 5 hours of sleep everyday will make you like that dear, see when we said you owed us," Aizawa finished his sentence for him "We want you to pay us back by taking care of yourself, we know you couldn't on your own so we brought you here where all you have to worry about is yourself at the moment." 

Once dinner was over and dishes were washed and picked up you were already starting to doze off. Mic picked you up causing you to wrap yourself around him, he walked behind Aizawa to the bedroom and laid you down before flopping next to you to pull you back to his chest and a second later Aizawa was snuggling up to your back "Night kitten/songbird." "Mmh, night." 

(888 Words)

Requested by: Ryanstar90

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