S̸͔̎̍̈́é̶͍̞̺̀͝l̸̤̟͑̉f̷̺̟̾̈ ̶̛͇̞A̶͖̹̜̋̐̚w̷̰̓̈́å̸̭͝r̴͍̹̯̈ȩ̴̔̌̀ {Mic}

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🚧Teacher x Student 'Relationship', dont like dont read 🚧

Mic's curled into himself on the floor of the locked teachers lounged bathroom having what seems to be a breakdown, not again! He wants to change, he really wants to change! Hes tried! Hes seen all the specialists hes ever been referred to, taken every medication hes ever been prescribed, attempted to avoid anything that made him feel...overly invested, for lack of better words. Hes limited time around people he finds himself caring to much about. Hes done everything he can think of! He doesn't wanna hurt anyone...not again at least. He was doing good, until you came along that is. Your one of the new 1A students such a hard worker, smart, funny, cute, ama- No! Not again!  

Ń̴̨͉͕̑ȯ̶͖̗͙͐t̷̲͈͌́͜ ̶̨͆͘͠a̴̖͍̍̚͠ģ̵̣̣͑̑̓ȧ̵̊͜ḭ̶͝ń̷̙

He didn't notice that he switched up his routine, at least not a first. But now hes patrol down your street, going to the little coffee shop you work at after school to get his grading done, taking you under his wing because 'your quirks are so similar', frequenting the restaurants and shops you love- Sure all this could, technically, count as stalking but its not intentional and you dont seem affected by his presents slowly making its way deeper and deeper into your personal life. Its harmless, its not as bad- it wont get as bad as it did last time, he tells himself.

I̸̲̼̩͆̎͗ẗ̵̙̣́s̴͙͎͊͌̕ ̸̨̃h̴͓̞̘͗̾̈å̸͚͖̟͛̓ŕ̸̻m̷̖͗̈́l̸̛̰͛e̷̠̒͆͝s̶̟͎̙̆̈́̾s̴͇̭̓̽̕

As he sits on the edge of your bed watching you blink away the last traces of the sedatives and begin to struggle against the restraints, tears welling in your eyes and you plea for him to let you go promise you wont tell if he just freed you and let you go home. He knows this is for the best, but he also knows you dont see it that way. But hes gonna be genital this time, he'll be patient he wont lose his temper as often this time, he'll do better then time! No one has to suffer, no one has to get hurt... this time.

T̶̞͘ĥ̸̪i̵̱͈̓ṣ̵̓͗ ̸̺̊̈́t̷͓͙̏͠í̴͕͐͜m̷̟͚̔e̴̜͑

(358 Words)

Not gonna lie, im hella proud of this one 😌

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