Emotionless {Teka+Yoshi+Enji}

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Teka and Yoshi are Ocs owned by Akabangbang on Instagram 

The Todoroki's adopting a daughter with a quirk that makes her almost emotionless/hard to show emotions

-They would try their hardest to get you to crack a smile 

-Yoshi is buying you anything he can think of that a teen girl may enjoy 

-Teka is taking you shopping and getting makeovers nails done just anything mother daughter to try and get you to even crack a smile

-Enji has you baking with him, reading with him, doing anything that brothers and sister would do togehter 

-When that doesn't work they try to make you upset or angry

-Yoshi takes all your things and grounds you

-Teka tries to start arguments and insults you

-Enji is picking fights with you 

-And when they couldn't get happy, sad, or mad they go for fear  

-Yoshi uses his quirk and even goes as far as threatening to sell you off to the highest bidder 

-Enji uses his quirk to start smile fires in your room and even threatens to use it on you

-Its Teka who wins, by accident, her hair elastic {specifically made for her hair} broke and her hair came cascading down

-You yelped and tried to move out the way but hit the chair and fell on the ground 

-The flood gates broke and you started crying

-She didn't know what to do I mean you went from never having a single emotion to balling on the floor asking for a hug 

-Yoshi books it to you scooping you up and holding you tight, he sure as hell wasn't gonna let this moment go to waist

-You should have never done that tho because now that they know Teka's hair is an emotion starter their gonna use it to their full advantage 

(309 Words)

Requested by: NightWing39

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