Tomorrow {Mic}

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You rolled over with a sigh "I'll finish that episode tomorrow, my eyelids feel to heavy

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You rolled over with a sigh "I'll finish that episode tomorrow, my eyelids feel to heavy." You've been saying that a lot lately, you'll clean your room 'tomorrow', you'll shower 'tomorrow', you'll start that load of laundry 'tomorrow'. You tossed and turned for hours before exhaustion won out and you fell into a restless sleep.

You woke up but your room no longer smelt like old soda and something you could never identify but now smelt like a few different cleaners and air freshener. You sat up and came face to face with Present Mic, the supposed to be fictional character Present Mic, walking into your room with a basket of your freshly washed and folded laundry "Oh your up! Good morning music box!" "Uh, good morning?" He put the basket down and came over helping you up and out the bed before kissing your forehead "How did you sleep?" "Like shit."

He frowned "Sorry to hear that boo but I need to wash this bedding and you need a bath so maybe when we're done we can take a nap together alright?" You nodded as he nudged you to the bathroom where a pair of clothing and a towel was already waiting for you. You took a shower before rinsing the tub out and letting it fill so you can soak in a warm bath for a bit. A few minutes of soaking you heard the door creak open "Washed up?" "Yeah." "Alright I made your bed so we can take that nap now." You gave a happy sigh "This is the best dream i've had in a while." 

You heard Mic chuckle causing you to peak open an eye "This isn't a dream, go 'head, pinch yourself your fully awake boo." You did again and again, this is real? "How- What-?" He came over and squatted next to the tub causing you to sit up and pull your knees to your chest trying to cover up now very aware of the, apparently real, eyes on you "Calm down. I just came to help you back on your feet alright, just take a few deep breaths with me." You laid back with your arms crossed over your chest doing as he told you. He stood once you had calmed and grabbed your towel letting you step out the tub so he could wrap you up in it.

"Mic?" "Yeah boo?" You smiled "Thanks." He gave you a peck on the nose as he handed you your clothing "Your very welcomed." You came out the bathroom to find him already laying in your bed "Well come on in." He opened his arms and you basically dove into his chest to snuggle into him. Once you were fully out Mic grabbed your computer that was still sitting beside your bed causing the screen to glow like a portal, you stirred a bit because of his movements but he cooed to you as he petted your hair "Dont worry baby, im gonna take you somewhere were you wont ever be sad again." 

(539 Words)

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