Gate {TodoMomo}

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"You must stay inside the gate."

That has been your parents favorite sentence since you were old enough to understand what it means. Your father number 3 hero Icy-Hot and your mother number 6 hero Creati both came from rich families and mixed with the hero money they now make they bough a huge house outside the city limits. With that house they payed a bunch of people to build a huge fence, with a security guard stand and a strong gate with many locks. By the time you were born the gate was reinforced and their was no way in or out besides going threw it with the now two security booths so your not sure why they reminded you to stay inside of it, like you had a choose in the matter.

You sat in your room staring out the window when you saw the gate open and the little green car start pulling up the long driveway. You booked it out the room, down all the stairs, and slipped out the front door past your father "TENKO!" You tackled him into a hug causing you both to go tumbling into down onto the freshly cut grass "Hi F/n." You both stood and brushed yourselves off, Tenko Shimura the adopted son of Izuku and Katsuki Midoriya. Your not exactly sure how he came to be their son, you over heard something about how he used to be an adult but your dad wont explain any of it to you. 

Your mother ran over to you "Did you hurt yourself?" "No, where ok." She turned to the Midoriya's "Hey guys, Shoto's already in the study come on. You two behave yourselves." "Ok mom." "We will ma'am." After she left you and Tenko raced off to the back yard, you two went over to a huge bush on the side of the fence and pulled it back to revel a hole covered by a huge layer of ice. A few months back Tenko used his quirk to make a tiny whole and it was the first time you had ever been outside your yard. When you both came back you used your quirk to ice it up so nothing could get in and expose your hidden door. You only use it when Tenko's over since hes the only know who knows his way around outside and thats why you get super excited when hes over.

He took off his glove and used it to get ride of the ice, you went to crawl threw but a hand snatched the back of your shirt and ripped you into the air. You turned to see Katsuki and he had Tenko held the same way "What do you two think your doing!?" Everyone came running up behind him, Todoroki took you from him and held you tightly to his chest "How many times have you left the yard!?" You didn't answer, head reeling at everything going on within a second. 

You were dragged inside and sat at the table by your dad as you mom followed the Midoriya's. He glared at you as you twitted your fingers "How long has that hole been there?" "...A couple months." "How many times have you left the yard?" "...Four times." "Four-!" He took a deep breath "Go to your room." "But-" "Room!" You scurried off in a hurry. A few minutes later your mom came in with a tray with dinner on it "Hey, your dad is sorry he yelled at you." " 's ok." She put the tray on the table next to your bed "That being said your grounded for a while, Tenko isn't allowed indefensibly, and your no longer allowed it the yard. Your not to leave the house, ever." "...Yes ma'am."

(635 Words)

Requested by: Chelmsford10 

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