Teenage Rebellion {AFO}

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Kurogiri turned to AFO "You're really letting her go?" He smiled as he watched you grab your bookbag and head out the door your UA uniform straight and tiddy "Just a bit of teenage rebellion, let her get the whole hero business out her system then she'll be fine."

~Time Skip~

"F/n!" You snapped out your thoughts and turned to Midoriya who had apparently been calling you "Sorry what were you saying?" He sighed as he finished packing most of the class already having emptied out the class "Do you wanna come grab a bite to eat with me before heading home?" You quickly grabbed your bag with a smile "Sure!" You both heard Mic "Hey lovebirds ya both got training ya know!" You gave him a death glare from behind Midoriya who was trying to explain you two were not together with a flustered face but Mic only laughed as he walked out. 

After stopping by the locker room to get in your hero suit, you opened the gym door to see Mic leaning against the wall "Your an ass." He smirked "Hey is that anyway to be talking to your mentor. Aizawa would have you running laps already." You dropped your bag "Yeah well you're way less scary then Aizawa." Once training was over you grabbed your bag "Have fun on your date!" "Have fun with your empty apartment!" "Hey! Uncalled for!" You only gave him a smile as you jogged out gym to find Midoriya "Ready?" He stood "Yup." You two opted to just go in your hero gear since your hungry and changing would take to long.

 You both came to a stop in front a plan looking restaurant, Midoriya turned to you with a smile "This is the place." You gave it a onceover "Huh, doesn't look like much, is the good any good?" He gave an excited nod "Yeah, I do have to warn sometimes low level villain and vigilantes come in to order out because its a hole in the wall kinda place but as long as you dont really acknowledge them they dont do anything." You laughed, being the daughter of the largest villain in Japan villain of any category dont scare you since harming you in any way would be a death sentence. You guys went in and sat in the very back and ordered before talking out your homework, not a date its a study date. 

AFO was sitting threw a meeting Kurogiri at his side, his work phone buzzed so he grabbed it giving it a glace. One of his associates sent him a picture of you laughing while a boy was showing you something on his phone, he knows that boys face "All Might's brat!?" He crushed his phone in his fist by accident, Kurogiri turned to him "Are you alright sir?" He took a breath "Shes taken this rebellion thing way too far. Tomura take Kurogiri and go collect your sister, this isn't an opportunity to cause trouble get her and come home as fast as you can." "Alright."

You two got onto the train and found seats "You wanna come over my mom's been bugging me to meet you ever since you called me that one time." You gave him a smile "I would but I better get home before my dad sends a search party to find me." He laughed but your not joking, if your not home before dark every villain associated with your father will be out looking to bring you home safely in hopes for some kinda bonus points with him. But you laughed with him anyways playing it off as a joke.  

Suddenly the wall you were sitting next to turned to dust as the collar of your hero suit was grabbed. You let out a scream as Shigaraki ripped you out the train car and into his arms before jumping off the platform and right into Kurogiri's portal making sure to hold you tightly to his chest so the fall onto the bar floor wouldn't hurt you

 You let out a scream as Shigaraki ripped you out the train car and into his arms before jumping off the platform and right into Kurogiri's portal making sure to hold you tightly to his chest so the fall onto the bar floor wouldn't hurt you

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"I'll gotta call the teachers! Please be ok F/n!"

You stood pushing your older brother away from you "What the fuck!" You felt a presence behind you "I let you attend that hero school, I let that stupid hero 'mentor' you, but I draw the line at messing around with some hero's offspring especially All Mights! This little rebellion is over, your not stepping foot out this hideout until my plans are complete and its safe for you again."

(800 Words)

Todoroki: See even AFO thinks Midoriya is All Might's kid!

Midoriya: 😭 Im not thought!

Me: You are if I say you are bitch!

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