Disobey {Hawks}

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"Well you know what your mission is why are you just standing there Hawks?" "But-" The hero commission women turned to him with annoyance written all over her face "You've already caused enough trouble, in fact you should be on your knees thanking me for letting you off the hook for that little stunt, so are you really going to sit here and try and argue with me?" He frowned "Your letting me off the hook?" "Well not really, this is your punishment in a way, but this is better than the actual punishment so you should still be thankful." "Thank you ma'am." She nodded "Good now get going. Oh and if you dont complete your mission you know whats going to happen right?" "Yes, ma'am." "Good."

You were leaning on your elbows on the kitchen island staring down at the paper threw blurry eyes. It didn't matter if your sight was obstructed by the tears falling out of them because the word was in bold.


You stepped back letting yourself drop to the floor and curled into yourself with quite sobs, you know the punishment for your action. You made the mistake of disobeying the hero commission who's̷͙͂ŏ̴͚̤̈ ̷͓̏̽ g̷̰̹̔e̴͓͆̕n̸̙̣͘ë̸͉̙r̷͉̋ȍ̶͚̻ǘ̸͙̆ș̸̈́l̶̛̙̞̐ÿ̴̟́͜͝  took you in and gave you a second chance at life after the death of your villain parents. They told you not to get involved romantically with your co-worker, Hawks. They warned you that getting together was prohibited because it would be a big distraction, that personal fillings get in the way of work and life, and it could be bad for public opinion in many different ways.

And like the good little pets they made you both into, you obayed... at first. The guilt, stress, and regret of doing every little thing the commission asked with no hesitation started to eat you two up and you both found comfort in each other and one thing lead to another. Soon you both were sneaking around your handlers to spend time together. And for a while everything was good, the calm before the storm really, because one day the commission sent Hawks to see why you hadn't shown up for work and he found you on your bathroom floor hurling into your toilet.

He brought you to the headquarters and they took you to a doctor to run some test as a precaution. It took a bit to get the test results, one copy would be mailed to the commission and the other to you. You got it this morning.... 8 weeks pregnant and of course you and the commission know who the father is. You know they know because they got the letter the same time as you you're sure of it your also sure that they've already sent someone to 'take care' of your disobedience, you wonder what they did to Hawks.

A knock came at your door so you stood to go open it, theres no getting out of this might as well just get it over with. You opened the door to see Hawks in his full hero gear and a strange bag "Of course they would send you huh, rubbing salt in the wound I guess." You let him in and closed the door behind him before raising your hands in surrender and closing your eyes "Just, get it over with please." "No." You opened your eyes giving him a look "Keigo if you dont its disobeying a direct order, again! They'll kill you alongside me!" 

He walked over to you wrapping his arm around your waist to hold you closer to him "And if I do i'll never be able to forgive myself or move on. I love you to much, I love our family to much!" He leaned in to kiss you so you moved forward to let him. When he pulled back he also let you go to grab something "Im sorry." "So-"


You woke up with a slight headache in Hawk's bedroom. He came in a few minutes later with some breakfast and headache relief. He gave you the tray as he climbed into bed next to you "So, what happens now?" He smiled as he stole one of your toasts "My feather sword with 'your' blood on it is with the commission as evedince of H/n's death, your house is getting "investigated" as we speak, and as far as they know your body is getting turned into a Nomu by the league since thats were they told me to drop you." You grabbed the remote and turned the tv on,

"Number three hero H/n killed by villains in her own home!" 

You clicked it off as hawks placed his head on your shoulder "As long as you never step foot out the house you and pipsqueak are gonna be just fine." "I hope thats a nickname and not a real suggestion because its god awful." 

(833 Words)

Requested by: Nishinoya_Simp

Ik it didn't start with fluff but I hope I fluffed it up enough to be considered soft yandere Hawks content

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