Nap Time {Aizawa}

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Aizawa was working in his study going over videoes of the kids training so he could see what each needed to improve on when he heard the door open "Daddy?" He smiled as he turned to see you holding his chubby cat still wearing the Neko sweatshirt that goes all the way down to your knees he got you earlier that week, he loves when you like this so happy and bubble sometimes it wears off on him and hes in the best mood for the rest of the day, his students love that time even if they dont know why hes like that. "Yes princess?" 

You walked over and held the cat up as if the cat was the one talking "Let's take a nap." He laughed "Does Nezu jr. want a nap or does my little baby? I only have one lap" You smiled "Me." You put the cat down letting it run off to find a section of floor the sun warmed up as Aizawa pulled your onto his lap. You wrapped your loosely around his neck, that still had marks from where you tried to attack him with a fork when you first came to live with him, before resting your head on his shoulder with a yawn "Night." He smiled "Night kitty." He reached over and grabbed the cat themed blanket he kept for when it got cold while he worked and laid it across you before turning the volume on the video down and going back to work.

(276 Words)

Requested by: Valeriehazelnut

Me: This isn't yandere enough

Me: *adds a single random sentence that suggest yandere themes*

Me: Perfect 

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