Engaged {EraserMic}

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They were sitting on the couch waiting for you to come over for dinner like you called to ask to do, finally the knock came at the door. They both booked it to the door swinging it open "Hey da-" You were cut off by them both yanking you off the ground into a hug "Hi little songbird! We missed you!" "Hi kitten, welcome home." You laughed as they put you down both smiling wide, then the smiles dropped when they noticed Bakugou standing sheepishly behind you. Mic was the one that ended up speaking first "Oh, hello Bakugou." He looked to the both of you waiting for something, you smiled as you held your hand out for them to see the ring "We're engaged!"

Mic grabbed ahold of your arm yanking you into the house and slammed the door in Bakugou's face before turning to you with a pissed expression "What the fuck do you mean engaged!?" You were taken aback, they adopted you when you were still a baby and for your whole life Mic had never activated his quirk within the walls of the house. It was so loud the foundation shook causing you to fall on your ass with a scared expression. Aizawa got on his knees next to you checking your ears with the same bored expression he always wore, when he was sure you were fine he pulled you to his chest cradling you like he used to "Why didn't you tell us you were dating Bakugou kitten?"

You looked up but Mic didn't look pissed he looked worried, sorry, sad, and regretful so you croaked out an answer "You guys told me not to date, especially not your ex students so I was worried you would be upset." Aizawa nodded "And yet you still broke the rule so you must not have worried to much about how we feel." You frowned harder "I know but we're adults and I-" Aizawa cut you off "Thats enough." He rose up pulling you with him and when you were on your feet he let you go. Mic's arm rose finger pointing in the direction of your childhood bedroom "Go." "But-" His eyes narrowed and out of instinct you took off closing the door to your room behind you. 

It was exactly how you left it when you left to "live on campus at your college". In reality you and Bakugou have been dating since his second year at UA, you were homeschooled but you meet him when your dad had to observe detention and brought you along. After a year of living at home and attending college classes, so three years of dating Bakugou, he asked you to move in but fearing upsetting your dads you lied and asked to live on campus to make getting to classes and clubs easier. Now that Bakugou proposed you didn't want to hid it from your dads and decided to come clean, maybe that was a mistake. 

Mic turned to Aizawa with a face he knew all too well, its Mic's 'I told you so' face "I told you we shouldn't have let her live on campus. Give her an inch and she'll want a mile." Aizawa sighed "I know Zashi, I thought we raised her better than this but maybe we did give her to much freedom." They both nodded as Aizawa started walking to the door "I'll handle him, you go handle out baby... and please try and stay calm." Mic nodded as they went their separate ways.

You were sat on the edge of the bed holding an old stuffed animal to your chest, you hope they come to their senses and let Bakugou in, call you down for dinner, and get to know their future son-in-law better. The door finally opened, you turned to see Mic walking in with a plate of cookies. In your later teen years you and Mic argued a lot and this was always his way of apologizing to you.

He sat next to you putting the snacks on the bedside table, he tried to pull you into a hug but you pushed him away. He frowned harder "Little listener-" You cut him off by standing up abruptly "Im going back home with Bakugou, you two can call me when you're accept the way I choose to live my life." He stood reaching out for you but you swung knocking him back onto the bed, he could have easily caught your swing but he didn't expect you to swing at him. You took the few seconds of his confusion to dash out the room, a second later Mic heard you let out a gut wrenching scream and ran after you. He came to stand behind you and saw Aizawa drinking Bakugou's lifeless body across the floor a trail of blood following them.

You started shaking "Katsuki!!" You tried to run to his body Aizawa had dropped upon hearing your scream but Mic grabbed you by your waist ripping you off the ground to keep you away from it. You thrashed furiously in his grip but he kept you steady with little effort with one arm the other hand petting your head "Shh, its okay baby, daddies doing this for your own good." You stopped thrashing and started sobbing uncontrollably to the point of hiccuping and gasping for air as you watched Aizawa finish disposing of your fiances body. 

Mic sat you on the couch pulling you to his chest and rubbing your back "Breath little songbird, please breath." After what felt like hours your breathing went normal enough to actually get air into your lungs but you were still shaking still sobbing. He rubbed your back as you looked up at him "W-why?" He frowned at you "This is your own fault baby, you broke the rule, it was there for a reason." Aizawa came back and sat on the other side of you joining Mic in trying to comfort you "We can go to that house and collect your things tomorrow for you, this is the only home you have and we're the only people that will ever truly love you."  

(1034 Words)

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