Caller {Mic}

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"Alright dear listeners this is the call in segment so lets hear what you've gotta say!" Mic clicked the blinking red button "Hello caller one!" "Hi Mic." A smirk appeared on the voice heroes face "Oh its my favorite listener, how are you dear?" He heard your laughter "Are you supposed to have favorites? That doesn't sound good for business." He chuckled "I guess not but I just cant help it babe, your always keeping my company on these oh so lonely nights." He heard you give a happy sigh "Im glad to say the same." 

A beep, the beep that means the time for the call is up and he needs to move on, sounded and he frowned "Well dear times up, guess i'll talk to you next Friday." You sounded just as sad when you spoke "Alright then Mic, till then," You made a kiss sound before hanging up and Mic swears he could feel your lips on his check. 

Next Friday came way to slow but it was finally here "Alright listeners, call segment, you know what to do!" He clicked the button and to his surprise your voice wasn't the one to come along. He picked up the second, then third, and tenth call but none of them were you. Soon the call segment came to and end and not once did he get to hear your voice. Then the next Friday came, and the Friday after that but you still hadn't called in. Hes starting to get worried, what if something happened to his favorite listener!?

He was driving home from his show with yet another call segment where you didn't call in when he felt his eye lids getting heavier. He pulled over to a little coffee shop hes never gone to before but he doesn't think he'll make it to the one he frequents without falling asleep at the wheel. He walked into the empty coffee shop with his head in his phone checking his calendar "Hi, what can I get you?" He knows that voice! "Favorite listener!?" You squinted as you looked him up and down before smiling widely "Mic!?" He gets it hes not in his hero git up, his head was in his phone plus he hadn't talked yet, not to mention its 5 in the morning and you both probably haven't slept yet so he wasn't hurt you didn't recognize him.

"Yeah! Oh its so good to finally get to meet you in person! I was actually starting to get worried, you haven't called into the show in weeks." You gave a small laugh "Yeah, broke my phone, im saving up for a new one though." You threw your thumb over your shoulder to a radio sitting on a shelf "But I still listen every Friday, your radio show gets me threw these slow night shifts." He gave you his signature Present Mic smile "Glad to hear, oh right can I get a vanilla ice coffee please."

Since hes the only costumer he stayed at the counter talking to you while you made the coffee "Hey when does your shift end?" YOU turned to the clock on the wall "About an hour, why?" "Would you liked a ride home, I'd love to get to know you better." He saw your smile grow a bit "Yeah, thanks, and I'd like to get to know you better too." You two talked, and two separate people came in but got to go orders, for the rest of your shift. Once you locked up you hopped into the passenger side of Mic's car. As the car drove off you heard the loud click of the lock, and your stomach dropped.

(616 Words)

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