Lucius Taboo

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As he entered Ollivanders' wand shop, Sasuke began to look around. There were stacks of wand boxes throughout the shop, creating a chaotic scene as the boxes reached the ceiling.

Sasuke had come to this shop a year ago to buy a wand, but Ollivanders refused him because he was too young to attend Hogwarts. He didn't try to use genjutsu on Ollivanders since the shop was protected by the Ministry of Magic. That would attract too much attention, and he could be discovered.

Inside the shop, there were three other people, which made the already cramped space, filled with wand boxes from floor to ceiling, feel even more crowded.

Sasuke waited for all three to leave before he could purchase his wand.

Sasuke: Good morning, Mr. Ollivander.

Ollivander: Mr. Uchiha, good to see you again. It seems the time has come for you to buy your wand.

Sasuke: Yes, I've received my acceptance letter.

Ollivander: That's great. I hope you understand why I couldn't sell you a wand in the past.

Sasuke: No problem.

Ollivander: Remember, Mr. Uchiha, the wand chooses the wizard.

Sasuke: I'll keep that in mind.

Ollivander: What is your dominant hand?

Sasuke: The right hand.

Ollivander measured his arm to start selecting some wands.

Sasuke tried wand after wand, but none felt right for him.

Ollivander: You're just like Mr. Potter. He was a difficult customer, but I always find the wand for the wizard. Let me think... Ah, here it is. 14.5 inches made of vine wood with a Thestral hair core. This is the last wand my grandfather made. He was a well-known wandmaker.

When Sasuke took the wand, he felt a wave of warmth flow through his hand, and the tip of the wand began to glow.

Ollivander: Wonderful! You know, I really don't like Thestral hair, but I must admit that you and this wand make a fantastic combination.

Sasuke: Why do we make such a fantastic combination?

Sasuke was curious because Ollivander had mentioned not liking Thestral hair, and also because the hair was the core of his wand, unlike the others made by Ollivander.

Ollivander: It's a well-known fact that Thestrals are considered symbols of bad luck and death. The Thestral hair in your wand is quite peculiar, as this wand can only be wielded by wizards who can master death.

Ollivander: Mr. Uchiha, you have a powerful positive energy that contrasts with the Thestral hair. That's why you will produce extraordinary results, but remember, the wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Uchiha.

Sasuke left Ollivanders to buy ink and quills at Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment.

Wiseacre's sold all kinds of equipment used in the magical world: telescopes, parchment, inks, quills, magical balls, miniature solar systems, and more.

He didn't enter the shop because he could see that an argument was happening inside.

A blonde boy was insulting two girls, one with brown hair and another with red hair. Next to them was a blonde man who appeared to be the boy's father, smiling at the scene his son was causing.

Draco: Do you still want to be a mudblood witch? And you, Weasley, do you have money to buy at least a quill?

Hermione and Ginny clenched their fists in anger.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now