Second Attack

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Ron, Hermione, and Harry were running to the Gryffindor common room so they could discuss everything that was happening.

Ron: But who, who could it be? Who wants to expel Muggle-borns from Hogwarts?

Harry: Let me think.

Ron: Who do we know that thinks every Muggle-born is scum? - he said, observing Hermione frowning.

Hermione: If you're talking about Malfoy...

Ron: Of course. You heard what he said. Just look at that disgusting rat-like face of his to know he is...

Hermione: Malfoy, the heir of Slytherin?

Harry: Ron might be right, Hermione. Look at his family. They've all been in Slytherin for centuries. Any of them could easily be the heir of Slytherin.

Ron: They could have kept the key to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries, passing it down from father to son.

Hermione: Well, maybe you're right.

Harry: But how are we going to prove it?

Hermione: There is a way, but it's going to be dangerous. Very dangerous, not to mention we'd be breaking about fifty school rules.

Ron: Can you just explain already?

Hermione: Right. What we need to do is get into the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy a few questions without him realizing it's us.

Harry: But that's impossible.

Hermione: No, it isn't. All we have to do is take Polyjuice Potion.

Harry/Ron: Polyjuice what?

Hermione: Snape talked about that potion in class a week ago.

Ron: I thought we had nothing better to do in Potions class than listen to Snape.

Hermione: This potion temporarily transforms whoever drinks it into someone else. We can turn into three Slytherin students. No one would recognize us, and Malfoy would surely tell us something.

Ron: This Polyjuice Potion sounds a bit dangerous, Hermione. What if we end up stuck like this forever?

Hermione: You don't need to worry. The potion's effects wear off after a while. But what will be really difficult is getting the recipe. Snape said the recipe is in a book called "Moste Potente Potions," which is in the restricted section of the library.

Hermione: But there's only one way to get that book. We'll need written permission from a professor. The hardest part will be explaining why we want that book if it's not for making potions. I think if we can give the impression that we're solely interested in theoretical study, we might have a chance.

Ron: No professor is going to believe that... You'd have to be really stupid to... - he said, realizing the same person the other two were thinking of. - You're thinking of Lockhart, aren't you? - he said, smiling.


On the other hand, Sasuke continued exploring the Forbidden Forest. During these explorations, he wore his traditional blue genin outfit, with the only difference being that he was wearing sneakers instead of ninja sandals.

After a few hours, he found an open area, hidden by the tall trees so that no one could see and out of the castle's magical reach.

He left his backpack by a tree and began training his taijutsu, as he needed to strengthen his body to endure the energy drain caused by his techniques.

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