Lockhart's Last Day

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The animals near the Black Lake fled at the sound of the explosion, and the secret chamber began to fill with water rapidly.

Sasuke swam as fast as he could to reach the surface along with Gina.

Sasuke: We made it, Weasley. Now let's swim to the shore, he said upon surfacing with Gina, but received no response from her.

Sasuke: Please tell me she didn't drown, he thought, looking at Gina, who was unconscious.

Sasuke used his chakra to stand on the water. He lifted Gina and began to run toward the shore.

Once there, he placed Gina on the ground and started performing CPR. After a few seconds, she coughed up the water and woke up.

Gina: Where are we?

Sasuke: At the shore of the Black Lake, he said, looking around. Can you stand?

Gina tried to get up but couldn't because her body felt weak.

Sasuke sighed at this and picked Gina up in a bridal carry to walk toward the castle.

Gina remained silent, looking at Sasuke with a flushed face.

They didn't notice that they were being watched by a poltergeist floating nearby.

Along the way, several poltergeists saw Sasuke carrying Gina and began to whisper about them.

When they arrived at the castle, he went straight to the infirmary. Upon entering, he placed Gina on a bed and saw Madam Pomfrey sitting at her desk. She got up and walked toward them when she saw them.

Pomfrey: Mr. Uchiha, Miss Weasley, what happened?

Sasuke: We just escaped from the secret chamber. The heir of Slytherin has been apprehended, and the monster is dead. It was a basilisk.

Gina became nervous upon hearing this.

Sasuke: This diary, he said, pulling out the diary from his pocket and handing it to Madam Pomfrey.

Pomfrey: Mr. Uchiha, you need to explain this to me in detail.

But Sasuke did not respond, collapsing from exhaustion.

Pomfrey: MR. UCHIHA! she shouted, checking his condition.

Gina: What happened? Is he okay? she asked worriedly.

Pomfrey: Calm down, Miss Weasley. His life is not in danger. He fainted from exhaustion. They both need to rest to recover their strength.

All of this was witnessed by the petrified friends, who were waiting for their head of house to escort them to the common room. The infirmary filled with murmurs about what they had heard.


Hours earlier:

Ron: The culprit is Uchiha. That bastard is the heir of Slytherin.

Hermione: We don't have time for that.

Harry: We have to warn Lockhart that he'll be facing a basilisk.

The three ran to Lockhart's classroom, where he was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Harry opened the door and entered with Ron and Hermione.

Harry: Professor, we have important information for you.

The three saw Lockhart packing his bags.

Hermione: Are you going somewhere?

Lockhart: Well, yes, an urgent... unavoidable call.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now