Snape vs Sasuke

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Sasuke had returned to Hogwarts just in time for Herbology class in Greenhouse Number 5.

As he entered the greenhouse, he noticed all the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students already seated.

Astoria: Sasuke, I saved you a seat.

Sasuke nodded as he made his way to the spot reserved between Luna and Astoria. Two minutes later, Professor Sprout entered the greenhouse.

Sprout: Good morning.

Students: Good morning.

Sprout: Can anyone tell me what this is?

Several hands shot up.

Sprout: Miss Lovegood.

Luna: Chinese Chomping Cabbage.

Sprout: Correct. Five points for Ravenclaw.

Sprout: Can anyone tell me its characteristics?

All hands went up again.

Sprout: Miss Greengrass.

Astoria: The Chinese Chomping Cabbage is a magical plant native to China that has a defense mechanism: it bites its enemies when they turn their backs on it. Additionally, it's one of the main ingredients in the preparation of the Skeleton Potion.

Sprout: Correct. Five points for Slytherin.

Sprout: As you can see, this plant is still young, so we will be repotting it. Do not turn your backs on it, or you may end up getting bitten.

Everyone worked in groups and with great care to avoid being bitten by the plant.

When the class ended and everyone left the greenhouse, Sasuke walked with Luna and Astoria to the Great Hall for lunch. In the afternoon, they had Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Gryffindor.

During lunch, several owls flew into the Great Hall with mail. Sasuke had subscribed to the Daily Prophet, and while everyone was chatting about recent events, he was reading the newspaper.

After lunch, Sasuke left, followed by the other Slytherins, toward the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

They all sat in silence, waiting for Professor Snape. As soon as he arrived, he entered abruptly, as usual.

Snape: Very well, put away your books and separate into groups. We will practice non-verbal spells. No murmuring the incantations, or you will lose points and receive detention.

Everyone got up and began to practice. Sasuke paired up with Sean Avery.

Sean cast a Petrifying Charm at his opponent, but instead of doing it non-verbally, he murmured the incantation.

Sasuke cast a non-verbal Protego.

Sean's spell hit Sasuke's shield and ricocheted back, petrifying Sean to the floor.

Snape: Idiot boy, I said non-verbal, not low voice—he said as he released him from the spell.

Half of the class showed improvement, but the other half continued to murmur their spells. Snape looked at them with disappointment; he knew it made no sense to prolong the topic, as they were not interested in learning or in the benefits of mastering non-verbal spells.

With one hour left in class,

Snape: Mr. Uchiha will practice with me.

Sasuke: Sure.

They locked eyes challengingly once again and drew their wands simultaneously, but neither made the first move. Everyone stepped back again, but this time they placed bets on who would win.

Sasuke silently cast "Petrificus Totalus."

Snape blocked it with another silent spell, "Protego." The spell ricocheted toward Sasuke, who simply dodged to the side. Without wasting time, he levitated a table and cast a non-verbal "Expulso."

The table flew forcefully toward Snape. He raised his shield again, but due to the impact's force, the table shattered before him.

Snape prepared to cast a Stunning Spell, but then he noticed that Sasuke was surrounded by six crows.

Snape: Clever boy, the table was a distraction to obscure my view and transfigure some chairs into crows—he thought.

Snape moved slowly around the room, searching for an opening to cast a Stunning Spell. However, one of the crows flew towards the spell to intercept it.

Sasuke smiled, and the remaining five crows lunged at Snape.

Snape cast a non-verbal "Immobulus"; the crows were stopped. Then he cast "Reducio," turning the five crows into dust.

Snape was ready to attack Sasuke, but then he heard the cawing of crows surrounding him.

Sasuke took advantage of Snape's distraction again and transfigured more crows, placing them behind him while he faced the first five. The crows moved beneath the desks and chairs in the room, surrounding Snape. Sasuke signaled, and all the crows attacked from every angle. Everyone thought Sasuke had captured Snape.

Snape: No time to immobilize them all—he thought.

Just as the crows were about to hit him, he jumped back, surprising the students with his agility. The crows collided with each other.

Snape: Damn it, he forced me to retreat—he thought.

But Sasuke wasted no time and summoned six fireballs. Snape, having retreated to the wall, faced a barrage of fireballs. Sasuke shot them one after another. Snape smiled and inexplicably increased his speed, dodging the fireballs.

Sasuke realized he had used a speed spell. So, Sasuke moved quickly and appeared behind him. Snape used the speed spell again, and they both moved around the room.

Snape: Damn it, he's keeping up with me—he thought.

If Snape moved to the right, Sasuke was already in front of him. They raced around the room for ten minutes, but then Sasuke opened his hand, and a sphere appeared. The others understood that it was the spell he used in the Triwizard Tournament final.

Snape: How can he use magic beyond the "vernier" spell (which doubles speed)? This spell doesn't allow the use of another spell while it's active, unless he's not using "vernier." - he thought. But as he tried to retreat further, he realized he was cornered.

Sasuke: It's over—he thought.

But then the bell rang, and in the end, they stopped, and the Rasengan vanished.

Everyone applauded the duel; to them, it was evenly matched, but some noticed that they were both absorbing each other's spells—transfiguration and speed.

When everyone left the room, Snape fell to his knees on the floor and began to gasp for breath.

Snape: Damn, that was his speed without magic. Now I understand how he managed to surprise the Dark Lord at the Ministry of Magic. I don't believe those were illusions; they were residual images of him.

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