New Semester

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The next morning, the emo went to the shopping mall to pick up the tailored outfits with the Uchiha emblem. He hated the wizard uniforms because they restricted his movement.

He also bought sweets and treats before heading to the blacksmith to collect the weapons he had ordered. After getting everything, he set off towards King's Cross station.

When he arrived at the station, it was already 10:45. The Hogwarts Express was waiting, a dark red steam locomotive. Sasuke quickly boarded the train as it had started to rain.

He ran into several of his housemates who greeted him as he walked toward the private cabin. The emo entered, stowed his bags, and began reading the newspaper while waiting for Luna.

The private cabins were reserved for pure-blood families, and it required an additional fee to book them. They were slightly larger than the regular ones.

Sasuke didn't mind paying since many girls used to fight over sitting with him. He continued reading when he heard someone knocking at the cabin door. He told the person to come in, and Draco, Vincent, and Gregory entered.

Draco: Good morning, Sasuke. How were your holidays? he asked.

Sasuke: It was interesting; I have nothing to complain about.

Draco: But you missed the Quidditch World Cup.

Sasuke: I had more important things to do than that. Instead of watching, I prefer to play. He stopped reading the newspaper and looked at Draco. Did you take good care of Luna? he asked seriously.

Draco: Yes, we took good care of her, he said nervously.

Sasuke: That's good, because I'm sure you don't want to see me angry.

Draco grew nervous and insisted he had taken good care of her.

The three of them said goodbye and returned to the cabin where Pansy Parkinson was waiting for them.

They knocked on the emo's cabin door again. He told the person to come in, and Luna entered the cabin with her bags. She put her bags away and sat with the emo.

Sasuke: How was the World Cup?

Luna: It was the best day of my holiday. Thank you again for sending the tickets. I also made three new friends: Draco, Vincent, and Gregory.

Meanwhile, in Draco's cabin,

Pansy: What happened to you guys? Why did you look like three stray dogs behind Lunatic?

Draco: That was the worst day of my holiday, he said while Vincent and Gregory nodded. If anything happened to her, Sasuke would kill us.

Pansy: You're exaggerating. He'd probably just yell at you.

Draco: He has killed other wizards before coming to Hogwarts; I'm sure he would kill me, he thought.

Pansy: So you were following her just because of that? she asked, seeing the three of them nod. Is it not because you like her, Draco? she asked.

Draco: Of course not.

Pansy sighed with relief. She said she needed to clarify this misunderstanding because the other Slytherin members think the three of them are in love with Lunatic and asked what they did after the match.

Draco, Gregory, and Vincent lowered their heads, and a dark aura appeared over them as they remembered everything they did after the match.

Back to the emo,

Luna told Sasuke that she met Ginny, the other Weasleys, the Diggorys, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger, and they all used the portal key that led to the World Cup. Then they got separated because they had to join the Malfoys.

Luna: We went to the tent we were supposed to share, and everything was so elegant. The other tents next to ours were occupied by other Slytherin students.

Luna: Since there were five hours left until the match, I decided to explore a bit while my dad talked to Mr. Malfoy about his suspicions that Rufus Scrimgeour is a vampire.

Luna: I saw Sirius Black yelling at a house-elf because he set up his tent too close to the Malfoys'. The house-elf was saying they were family while disarming the tent.

Luna: While I was exploring, Draco, Vincent, and Gregory offered to accompany me. I started looking around for quail nests since we were near a lake. I wanted to offer the eggs to our hosts because they are quite nutritious.

Back to Draco,

Draco: While we were listening to the Lunatic's father's nonsense, we realized she had disappeared. We quickly set out to find her, and when we did, we decided to follow her.

Draco: She started walking along the edge of a lake and then stepped into the water. We thought she was going for a swim, but Vincent pointed to a sign that read 'Swimming prohibited; the lake is infested with Grindylows.'

Draco: We yelled for her to get out, but she ignored us, so we had to jump in the water to pull her out. A Grindylow bit Gregory's leg.

Back to the emo,

Luna: I went into the lake to observe the nests, but it seems the quails hadn't laid any eggs there. Suddenly, Draco, Vincent, and Gregory jumped in the water too. I got out because I hadn't found anything, but I didn't tell them since it seemed they were having fun. After a few minutes, they quickly exited the water.

Luna: I didn't find the eggs, but I was told there were chameleon bats a kilometer from the camp. I wanted to catch one because they are good potion stabilizers due to their camouflaging ability, but in the end, I didn't find anything and had to return to the camp with Draco, Vincent, and Gregory.

Back to Draco,

Draco: After checking that we had no more injuries, we realized she had disappeared again, so we had to look for her until we finally found her. We saw her entering a cave, so we thought it best to wait outside, but we noticed some eyes moving toward her, so we rushed in to get her out. Crabbe and Goyle screamed, and all the bats attacked us, but luckily, they didn't bite us or her. We exited the cave and returned to the camp.

Back to Sasuke,

Luna: I'm sorry for not bringing you a chameleon bat, but I brought this.

Sasuke received a miniature figure of the Irish Seeker, Aidan Lynch. He thanked her, and they continued talking until they reached Hogwarts.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now