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The next day, Snape, Draco, and Narcissa were gathered in the living room, discussing their next steps.

Snape: Well, we have two options: the first is for you to flee the country, and the second is for you to stay and fight.

Narcissa: I... – She didn't finish, as Draco interrupted her.

Draco: I want them to pay, godfather. I'm not thinking of running away.

Snape: I figured you would say that, but you must understand that now is not the time to fight. You are still very weak and need to strengthen yourself. You are a Slytherin, and Slytherins are cunning.

Narcissa: I just want Draco to be safe.

Snape: That's why you should choose the second option. The first will only turn you into targets.

Draco: So when are we going to fight?

Snape: It's still not time. You need to hide. The best way to hide from your enemies is to blend in among them.

Narcissa nodded.

Snape: Then let's do this. We'll say we met in Diagon Alley. You invited me to your house, and when we arrived, we found it destroyed. I took you to my house until we figured out what happened.

Draco: But that... that's a lie. We know what happened.

Snape: We need them to believe otherwise; otherwise, they will kill you.

Snape: There's no other way to go unnoticed. If you don't do this, you'll be hunted by the Death Eaters.

Narcissa: I want to bury Lucius – she said, tears streaming down her face.

Snape: We will, but first, we have to do this. If they believe it, they will offer their condolences, and you will need to pretend.

Narcissa: But they helped Bella kill him.

Snape: You need to do this, or they will come after you.

Narcissa: Fine.

Snape: As for the Dark Lord, he won't approach you, but he will want to recruit Draco.

Draco: And you expect me to join after everything they've done?

Snape: I'll say that you will join when you finish Hogwarts. I'll say you're too young, and if Bella speaks to you, Narcissa, you need to say the same: that he is too young and that you fear something will happen to him.

Narcissa: I will do anything to protect Draco.

Draco: Why don't we report everything to the Ministry?

Snape: You know very well that the Ministry has spies under the Dark Lord's command.

Draco: And Dumbledore?

Snape remembered begging Dumbledore to protect Lily, but he had failed.

Snape: No, not Dumbledore. I need you to trust me. I will protect you.

Snape: This time I won't fail – he thought.

Snape: I will teach you Occlumency, but first, we're going to the Leaky Cauldron, then to the Ministry to report what happened at the mansion.

Narcissa: Why do we have to go to the Leaky Cauldron?

Snape: We need someone to testify that they saw us in Diagon Alley, and who better to be a witness than the owner of the Leaky Cauldron?

Draco: Are you going to plant false memories in him?

Snape: Yes, we are.

Draco: I'm going to get revenge, for you, Father. I know you wanted me to be a businessman when I graduated from Hogwarts. I did too. I admired you, but after everything that happened, I've decided I will become an Auror and make them all pay for what they did – he thought, a mixture of anger, sadness, and determination.

The three arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, which, as always, was empty. Snape stunned Tom and implanted the false memories. Then, they went to the Ministry to report the incident at Malfoy Manor. Aurors and workers from the security department were sent to assess the damage and find Lucius's body.

Narcissa, upon seeing them remove Lucius's body from the rubble, began to cry.

The Ministry's official news regarding Lucius Malfoy's death was reported as a revenge attack unrelated to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, as the Dark Mark had not been conjured. The news appeared in the Daily Prophet, stating that Lucius Malfoy was a businessman, an exemplary citizen, a charitable man who supported major institutions with generous donations...

Draco crumpled the newspaper and got ready to go to the cemetery with his mother to bury Lucius in the Malfoy family crypt.

Several of Draco's friends came to offer their condolences. Lucius's associates were present, along with some Ministry members.

Draco no longer knew whom to trust, as most of his friends had parents who were Death Eaters, and most of them were the ones who killed Lucius.

Someone approached him and hugged him. Draco was surprised, but upon realizing who it was, he returned the hug.

Luna: I'm so sorry, Draco. My condolences for your father.

Draco: Thank you, Luna. Thank you – he said, tears streaming down his face.

Draco trusted Luna, knowing that her father wasn't a Death Eater. In the end, he saw Luna as a true friend.

Luna: Sasuke also sent his condolences. He couldn't come; he said he wanted to give you space. Zacharias also sent his condolences.

Draco: Thank you, Luna.

Luna: Don't worry. I'll be with you until this gray cloud above your head disappears.

Draco thanked her again.

It was already night, and Bellatrix appeared at the hotel where they were staying.

Bellatrix: Cissy, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Narcissa: Bella – she said, starting to cry. Bellatrix hugged her, and Narcissa's expression changed to one of anger. She just wanted to kill her, but if she did, they would be hunted. In that moment, she remained calm, focusing on her goal: to protect Draco.

Bellatrix: The one responsible for what happened to Lucius will pay, Cissy, I promise. I also came to give you some great news: I want you and Draco to receive the mark.

Narcissa: What?

Bellatrix: You heard me. I'm the Dark Lord's most loyal servant. He trusts me. If I speak with him, I'm sure you will both receive the mark.

Narcissa remembered her conversation with Snape.

Narcissa: Sorry, Bella, but no.

Bellatrix: What? Why not?

Narcissa: When Lucius joined the cause, he made me swear I would never take the mark.

Bellatrix: But he's dead now. You can join. We will be invincible.

Narcissa: He's not dead. He will live forever in my heart, and I will respect my husband's wishes.

Bellatrix: Then I suppose only Draco will receive the mark. Lucius wanted him to join the cause too.

Narcissa: Yes, Lucius wanted him to join, but only when he graduated from Hogwarts. He's still too young and he's my only son.

Bellatrix: You don't understand, Cissy. It would be an honor for Draco to be the first young wizard to receive the Dark Mark before coming of age. If I had children, they would already have the mark.

Narcissa: That's something Lucius and I decided. When he finishes Hogwarts, he can have the mark, but until then, no. I want him to enjoy his childhood.

Bellatrix: Anyway, where is he? His aunt needs to give him her condolences.

Narcissa wanted to say that he was already sleeping, but before she could speak, Bellatrix shouted Draco's name.

Narcissa was worried, not knowing what Draco's reaction would be, but the blond boy appeared with a serious expression.

Draco: Did you call, aunt?

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