The Bet

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The news of Sasuke Uchiha's alliance with the Ministry did not sit well with Rufus Scrimgeour. The Minister, Amelia Bones, had made it clear that the emo would be treated as an equal, not as a subordinate.

Rufus was mainly thinking of using him for publicity, but since it was a direct order from the Minister herself, he had no choice but to treat the 15-year-old emo as his equal. However, Rufus, like many Aurors, could not accept this. Sasuke was too young, and on top of that, he was a Slytherin. The other Aurors not involved in the matter decided to remain neutral.

At 8:00 in the morning, Sasuke appeared at the Ministry's fireplace, and everyone turned to stare. He stood out wherever he went, not only because his face was splashed across the front page of the newspaper but also due to his distinctive outfit and cloak.

As he walked to the elevator to go to the second floor, where the Auror office was, many people continued to watch him.

Sasuke entered the office, and the room fell silent as everyone stared at him.

Sasuke: Good morning, I'm looking for Mr. Scrimgeour.

Scrimgeour: Good morning, Mr. Uchiha. I am Rufus Scrimgeour.

Sasuke: What plans have you devised to capture the Death Eaters? Or are the Aurors just patrolling?

Scrimgeour: Just patrolling. We're working to gather information. Don't get cocky, kid.

Sasuke: But patrolling isn't yielding any visible results.

Scrimgeour: Don't get too full of yourself over your stroke of luck, boy. That's your desk. – He pointed to a small desk in the corner, piled with two stacks of papers.

Scrimgeour: You're here to assist, not to give orders. Review these papers and give me a summary.

Scrimgeour: Tonks, Savage, patrol Diagon Alley. Williamson and Kingsley, you'll patrol Hogsmeade. Robards, Bell, Johnson, Kent, Owen, and Parker, patrol Hogwarts. The rest stay here.

Ten Aurors, mostly in their forties, remained at the Ministry. Among the new recruits, Sasuke recognized one – Cedric Diggory.

Sasuke: This isn't right. You won't catch any Death Eaters like this.

Scrimgeour: That's how things work here. I give the orders.

Sasuke: May I remind you that I am your equal.

Scrimgeour: To me, you're just a kid who knows nothing of war.

Sasuke: I may be a kid who knows nothing, but you're an adult who fought in the last war and learned nothing. Do you really think with such weak methods, you'll catch the Death Eaters?

Scrimgeour drew his wand, pointing it at the emo, and Sasuke did the same.

The tension in the office was palpable. Everyone stood frozen, unsure of what to do.

Sasuke: We don't need to fight among ourselves. It'll only weaken the few members we have.

Scrimgeour glared at him, filled with anger.

Sasuke: I have a proposal.

Scrimgeour: What kind of proposal?

Sasuke: Forty-eight hours. Whoever captures the most Death Eaters in 48 hours will lead this department.

Scrimgeour: That's absurd.

Sasuke: Why? Is the great Rufus Scrimgeour afraid of losing?

Scrimgeour: When I win, you'll follow all my orders without question.

Sasuke: Of course. But we have to capture actual Death Eaters, not innocent people.

Scrimgeour: Are you accusing me of fraud?

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now