Revenge I

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In a cave in northern England, for some strange reason, animals and insects avoided the surroundings. Their instincts told them that the place was dangerous, so the area was always silent.

Inside the cave, only the screams of someone could be heard.




???: You will finally speak, a female voice said between laughs.

Lupin: Never, I won't betray my friends.

???: Yes, you will, she said, pointing her wand again. CRUCIO!

Once again, screams echoed throughout the cave.

Amico Carrow: Enough, Alecto. If you keep going, he'll end up like the Longbottoms.

Alecto Carrow: But we need answers. We can't disappoint the Dark Lord.

Amico: Don't worry, he'll tell us everything tomorrow.

Lupin: Never.

Alecto waved her wand, and chains bound Lupin.


At Grimmauld Place, everyone was discussing their next steps. They needed to recruit more members. With every passing minute, Voldemort was gaining more followers.

Sirius: How's the recruitment going?

Tonks: It's been a success. Thanks to the Prophet's statement, most of my Hogwarts classmates from my generation have decided to join. They're from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. In total, there are 12 new members. They're with Moody and Sturgis right now.

Kingsley: I think Moody will spend the whole day interrogating them to make sure they're not spies.

Tonks: Hahaha, I can imagine him pacing around while the only sound you hear is his wooden leg.

Sirius: They're at Sturgis's house. We still can't bring them to the Order's headquarters.


At Malfoy Manor, all the Death Eaters were gathered around the large dining table, but one Death Eater was kneeling—Lucius Malfoy.

Voldemort: Are you comfortable, Lucius?

Lucius: Master, I...

Voldemort: CRUCIO!

Voldemort: Just answer. I haven't forgiven you for losing my prophecy.

The others laughed at Lucius's humiliation.

Voldemort: My subordinates, I have gathered you here to end the bothersome Order of the Phoenix.

Bellatrix: Yes, Master, she said excitedly.

Voldemort: Calm yourself, Bella. Our visit to Knockturn Alley has brought us a great reward. We will stop their recruitment drive and then hunt them down, one by one. Our informant gave us valuable information. Go and finish them all. I need to go somewhere else.

Everyone stood up. Lucius also tried to stand, but the ground around him cracked.

Voldemort: Who said you could rise, Lucius?

Lucius: Master...

Voldemort: You will sit here on the floor. Wait for our return. You'll pay dearly if you leave, and don't try to fool me—I'll know.

Everyone disappeared, and from the window, Narcissa and Draco watched in terror as their master humiliated Lucius.


At Sturgis's house, 12 people were gathered, all visibly excited.

Moody: Good evening, everyone. If you're here today, it's because you have the courage to stand up against injustice and face the one who must not be named.

All the young recruits nodded.

Moody: We're not going to headquarters just yet. First, I want everyone to introduce themselves and share their reasons for joining.

Sturgis: You're missing the most important part, Moody, he said, waving his wand. A tray floated around, offering wine glasses to everyone.

They all gladly accepted and began to drink, except for two—Moody and Sturgis.


At the central prison in Worcestershire, an explosion blew open the walls, creating a breach. Several cells opened, and a battle broke out between the prisoners and the guards, with many casualties.

Guard 1: Who opened the cells?

Guard 2: I don't know. I was alone in the control room.

Gunfire echoed everywhere. The prisoners fought the guards with makeshift wooden weapons and knives.

Outside the prison, four figures stood, three of them wearing robes and masks.

Amico: Can we intervene now, Master?

Voldemort: Patience. Let them kill each other first.

They watched as the prison began to catch fire.

Inside the prison, a guard watched on the security cameras as two of his colleagues were murdered. He grabbed the megaphone and announced that lethal force was authorized—no one was to escape.

The prisoners scattered until they reached a room storing weapons.

Prisoner 1: Let's grab the weapons and get out of here.

Prisoner 2: But we'll miss the fun.

Prisoner 3: Yeah, there are still some guards that need my attention.

Prisoner 1: There's no time. They've probably already called for reinforcements. Let's go. We'll settle scores later.

More prisoners entered the storage room. Fifteen of them quickly escaped through the hole in the wall. They joined six other inmates hiding in the forest.

Prisoner 1 signaled for everyone to stop. He noticed a blood trail and realized one of them had been injured in the leg.

Prisoner 17: It's just a scratch. I can still walk.

Prisoner 1 nodded and shot him in the chest.

Prisoner 17: Why?

Prisoner 1: You'd only slow us down.

The others laughed as they moved away. An hour later, they were resting, but for some reason, they couldn't hear any animal sounds.

One of them was suddenly thrown against a tree, knocked unconscious. Everyone grabbed their weapons, but they transformed into snakes. They heard a whisper, more like a hiss, and screamed as the snakes bit their hands.

Prisoner 1: Who's there?

They looked around, but all they heard was laughter.

???: Don't kill them. I want them alive.

Several colorful lights struck the prisoners.


A voice behind him shouted, CRUCIO!

Two prisoners began convulsing on the ground, and the last one was hurled into a tree, knocked unconscious.

Voldemort and his Death Eaters silently approached the prisoners.

Voldemort: Looks like I've finally found a use for these Muggles. They'll serve me well in my experiments.

Everyone laughed before Voldemort ordered them to be taken to the cave.

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