Return of the Uchiha II

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In the small village of Hagleton, residents awoke startled by the sound of a large explosion coming from the cemetery. Fearing the worst, they immediately rushed to the emergency shelters while contacting authorities to investigate the situation. Initially, they speculated that the explosion might have been caused by a meteorite crash. The possibility of a terrorist attack also crossed their minds, but it was quickly dismissed as it made no sense and lacked logic.


At the cemetery, as the smoke cleared, injured people and bodies could be seen scattered on the ground from the explosion.

Voldemort: DAMN IT! - He shouted.

He began calling for Nagini, but there was no response. He kept calling out, becoming increasingly worried.


The Death Eaters, still dazed from the explosion, didn't move at first. Voldemort used the Cruciatus Curse on Wormtail, who began screaming in pain, causing everyone to snap back to reality.

The less injured Death Eaters, like Wormtail, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, started moving quickly. The severely injured ones, like the Carrow twins and Avery, who had lost their arms in the blast, moved more slowly, seeing the lifeless bodies of Nott, Macnair, and Yaxley.

After a few minutes, Lucius found what they were looking for: Nagini, dead, torn to pieces. He informed his master, who was furious.

Voldemort: Damn Mudblood! - He said angrily. - I let my guard down... I never thought he would sacrifice himself to try to kill us. He managed to kill Nagini, and the worst part is that she was the Horcrux I created at the beginning of the summer. - He thought.

Lucius: Master...

Voldemort: Dispose of the bodies. We're leaving.

Meanwhile, Avery collapsed, dead from blood loss. He hadn't tried to heal his wounds out of fear of Voldemort, but instead decided to search for Nagini.

The Carrow twins treated themselves temporarily when Nagini's body was found, stopping the bleeding with the help of other Death Eaters, and then searched for their arms to head to St. Mungo's Hospital.


A sound of Apparition echoed through the Forbidden Forest. At Sasuke's hideout, four house-elves appeared with a young man. It was Sasuke Uchiha, visibly injured, and the elves immediately began tending to him as he drank a potion to replenish the blood he had lost.

After finishing Sasuke's treatment, he fell asleep to recover his strength. While he slept, the elves kept watch over every corner of the hideout to protect him.


Meanwhile, at the castle

Moody had his wand pointed at Harry's heart.

The shadows in the Foe-Glass were sharpening, becoming more distinct. Harry could see, over Moody's shoulder, the outline of three figures approaching closer and closer. The professor was not watching them; his magical eye was fixed on Harry.

Moody: Tonight, you had an easier task in the maze than you should have, of course - he said, smiling sarcastically. - That was because I was patrolling outside and could see the outer hedges. I was able to destroy many obstacles in your path. I stunned Fleur Delacour when she passed. I cast the Imperius Curse on Krum to take out Uchiha and leave the way clear for you to reach the Cup.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now