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Most of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were in the library. They were all reading books about werewolves to complete Professor Snape's assignment. Other students were more focused on the upcoming Quidditch match that was just a few days away.

The first match was supposed to be Gryffindor versus Slytherin, but due to Draco's injury, Hufflepuff replaced Slytherin for the first match.

Sasuke didn't mind, but he thought it would be better to have two or three reserve players for situations like this.

It was necessary to increase the number of players on the team, have them train with the main squad, and then rotate them in during the Quidditch season so they could gain experience.

After finishing his research on werewolves, the emo left the library and walked towards the common room. Along the way, he encountered several Slytherin and Hufflepuff students, as their common rooms were in the same direction.

Sasuke: I need to finish reading the book on the Patronus and then start practicing, he thought.

Zacharias: UCHIHA! he shouted, grabbing the emo's attention, as well as everyone around. I challenge you to a duel.

The Hufflepuffs were excited, and the Slytherins smirked and laughed, knowing that Zacharias had no chance.

Sasuke: If I refuse, he'll probably keep challenging me until I accept, he thought.

Sasuke: Can someone count to three?

A Slytherin girl volunteered to count.

Astoria: 1... 2... 3! she shouted.

Sasuke: Expelliarmus!

Zacharias, who was moving his wand, was hit directly by the spell. He lost his wand and was thrown back several meters.

The Slytherins applauded the emo for his victory, and the Hufflepuffs were relieved that he hadn't hurt Smith.

Sasuke continued walking while the Hufflepuffs helped Zacharias.

Jaime: He's on another level, Zacharias, he said.

Zacharias: Yeah, but I won't give up. I'll defeat him.

The next day,

Sasuke: Expelliarmus!

Everyone watched as Zacharias was thrown back again. The Hufflepuffs rushed to help him.

This repeated for four days straight. After the last defeat, Zacharias returned to the common room with a plan in mind.

He walked in and approached a table where some third-year students were sitting.

Zacharias: Ernie, I need your help, he said, catching everyone's attention. Please, teach me the Shield Charm.

Ernie: Calm down, Zacharias. Explain why.

Zacharias told him about his rivalry with Uchiha. Hannah and Susan squealed excitedly upon hearing the Slytherin's name.

Hannah: Are you talking about that handsome Slytherin?

Susan: The Potions genius!

Ernie/Zacharias: Potions genius? they both said.

Susan: Yes, I overheard Professor Snape talking about Uchiha to Professor Dumbledore while passing through the corridor. Strangely, Snape was speaking very highly of him. I assume it's because he's good at Potions.

Zacharias: I don't care. I just want to learn the Shield Charm to defeat him.

Ernie: Alright, then I'll teach you.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now