Battle at the Department of Mysteries

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Give me the prophecy, Potter, repeated Lucius Malfoy's drawn-out voice as he extended his hand, palm up.

Lucius: Give it to me, he repeated.

Harry: Where is Sirius? he asked.

Several Death Eaters laughed; a shrill woman's voice among the dark figures to Harry's left said triumphantly:

???: The Dark Lord is always right!

Lucius: Always, he echoed softly. Now, give me the prophecy, Potter.

Harry: I want to know where Sirius is!

Harry: You captured him, he said, ignoring the growing panic in his chest, the dread he had been fighting since they entered corridor ninety-seven. He's here. I know he is.

???: The little baby woke up scared and thought his dream was reality, the woman said in a horrible imitation of a baby's voice.

Harry felt Ron shift beside him.

Harry: Don't do anything, he murmured. Not yet.

The woman who had mocked him let out a hoarse laugh.

???: Did you hear him? Did you hear him? Giving instructions to the other children as if he thought he could confront us!

Lucius: Ah, you don't know Potter like I do, Bellatrix, he said softly. He has a great weakness for heroics: the Dark Lord is aware of this obsession of his.

Lucius: It's time for you to learn the difference between life and dream, Potter.

Lucius: Now hand me the prophecy.

Harry: What prophecy are we talking about?

Bellatrix: You must be joking, Harry Potter.

Lucius: Did Dumbledore never tell you that the reason you carry that scar was hidden deep within the Department of Mysteries?

Harry: I... what?! he exclaimed, momentarily forgetting his plan. What does my scar have to do with it?

Lucius: Is it possible? he said, sounding maliciously delighted; some Death Eaters began to laugh again, and, covered by their laughter, Harry whispered to Hermione, moving his lips as little as possible:

Harry: Knock over the shelves...

Lucius: Dumbledore never told you? he repeated. Well, that explains why you didn't come sooner, Potter; the Dark Lord was intrigued...

Harry: Oh, and? he said. Behind him, he felt more than heard Hermione pass his message to the others and tried to keep talking to distract the Death Eaters. So he wanted me to fetch it, did he? Why?

Lucius: Why? Malfoy seemed incredibly delighted. Because the only people allowed to retrieve the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries, Potter, are those it speaks of, as the Dark Lord discovered when he tried to use others to steal it for him.

Harry: And why did he want to steal a prophecy about me?

Lucius: About you both, Potter, about you both... didn't you ever wonder why the Dark Lord tried to kill you as a child?

Harry: NOW! he shouted.

Five different voices shouted from behind him: "REDUCTO!"—five spells flew in different directions, and the shelves opposite them exploded upon impact; the enormous structure swayed as a hundred glass spheres shattered, pearly-white figures unfolded in the air and floated, their voices echoing from a long-dead past, amidst a rain of glass and wood shards that now fell to the ground...

Harry: RUN!

Everyone ran through the corridors, followed by the Death Eaters. As they sprinted ahead of them, a dark mist appeared, and Lucius stretched out his arm with his palm open, demanding that Harry hand over the prophecy.

Other Death Eaters appeared and blocked their way, but they quickly took down Ron and Hermione.

They continued running, trying to reach the elevator and escape. Hermione noticed that the Death Eaters were cornering them and decided to knock over all the prophecy shelves.

The Death Eaters took cover. They seized the opportunity to move through the doors until they reached the elevator, but chose to go through a different door when they heard the voices of the Death Eaters closing in.

They inadvertently entered the execution room. They ended up being surrounded, and Lucius walked toward Harry to warn him.

Lucius: Now, Potter, either you hand over the prophecy or you'll watch your friends die—suffering! Harry didn't need to think; he had no choice.

The prophecy warmed with the heat of his hand as he extended it. Malfoy quickly stepped forward to take it. Just then, the Order of the Phoenix, consisting of Sirius, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Kingsley, Arthur, and Remus, arrived.

They dueled against Voldemort's allies, and in the process, the prophecy fell and was destroyed.

Lucius and Sirius were dueling. Sirius shouted for Harry to flee with his friends, but Harry refused and decided to help him face Lucius and Dolohov.

Tonks was knocked down by Bellatrix while protecting Luna and Ginny.

Kingsley was facing Mulciber and Travers.

Arthur was facing Crabbe.

Mad-Eye was up against Rabastan, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Remus was protecting the others, making a path for them to escape, but ended up clashing with Jugson.

After Harry disarmed Dolohov, Sirius seized the opportunity to stun both Dolohov and Lucius.

Sirius: Well done, James, he said as he looked at Harry.

Bellatrix pointed her wand at Sirius and shouted, Avada K...

But everyone heard a loud noise; they looked toward the sound and saw the ceiling of the room collapse.

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