Back to England

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The emo returned to the village. He was tired and recounted what had happened while eating at a local restaurant, courtesy of the mayor. Everyone thanked him for helping to get rid of the werewolves. The girls asked him to take off his mask; they wanted to see the hero's face, but he refused.

The emo told them not to tell anyone about what had happened; otherwise, their memories would be erased by the Ministry of Magic's officials.

Sofia: How will we protect ourselves now that you're leaving? - She asked.

Raven replied, handing her a book: Take this. It contains all the ways to protect yourself from magical creatures.

Sofia held the book and read the title: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Raven continued: I must go. Goodbye, everyone.

He called the house-elves, and together they apparated out of the village. The problem was that they couldn't make it to the city, as the elves had never been there before. Elven magic only allows them to apparate to places they have already been.

After five days, the emo finally arrived in the city. He used the same portkey to return to England.

He appeared in Knockturn Alley and headed to the guild to deliver the body of Fenrir Greyback. He waited for his reward while the body was examined.

Raven received his reward two hours later. He left the guild and went into a dark alley to remove his suit. Sasuke was calmly walking down the alley with a bag full of gold. The wizards in the alley moved away from him, knowing who he was and not wanting to risk their lives.

He arrived home and saw several letters on the table. They were letters from Luna and Zacharias, telling him to meet them at Diagon Alley to buy school supplies, and on the day of departure, to meet at King's Cross Station. There were also letters from Draco, reminding the emo about the upcoming event.

Sasuke replied to Luna and Zacharias, saying he had already bought the materials and would meet them at the station.

He also replied to Draco, confirming his attendance at the event. Then he went to rest while the house-elves took care of the cleaning.


Meanwhile, a celebration was taking place at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Ron and Hermione had become the new prefects of Gryffindor. As everyone chatted happily, Lupin suddenly appeared at the headquarters, looking terrified, with almost lifeless eyes. Everyone was startled and asked what had happened.

Lupin: They're all dead - he said, starting to cry and leaving everyone speechless.

Harry: What happened, Professor Lupin? What do you mean by 'they're all dead'?

Lupin, realizing Harry was there, fell silent. Molly sent all the young ones upstairs, saying they needed to have an emergency meeting and that Dumbledore had to be summoned.

All the adults went to the kitchen. They locked the door and cast the Muffliato charm.

The young ones protested, wanting to be part of the discussion, but their request was denied.

Once all the members were gathered, Lupin, now calmer, began to explain what had happened.

Lupin: As you know, my mission was to keep an eye on the werewolves, but six days ago, they decided to kill the last surviving member of a Muggle village.

Lupin: Greyback bit him, leaving him agonizing. I couldn't bear it. The Muggle knew he was going to die, but the death was slow, and he was in great pain. So, I decided to end his suffering using the Killing Curse.

Lupin: I was ready to fight, expecting them to be angry, but they were pleased to see that I could perform advanced magic. The next day, Greyback called me. I thought he had found out I was a spy.


Fenrir: It seems biting you when you were just a child was a good idea after all, Lupin, since you managed to become a professor at Hogwarts - he said, smiling, watching Lupin nod.

Fenrir: I want you to teach magic to the others. Depending on the results, you could end up becoming a captain in my army.

Lupin: It's a great honor - he said, but he was thinking of how to refuse, as this would make the werewolves even more dangerous.

Fenrir: Excellent, I'll have my own army of magical wolves.

Lupin: We'll need wands and books. I'll make a list. I need to have all these materials to teach them magic - he said - That'll keep them busy while I figure out a way to alert the Order and Dumbledore. - He thought.

Fenrir: You will go after the full moon. You'll be in charge of a platoon. We need to prepare because tomorrow we're having a big feast.

Lupin: Thank you for the opportunity.

End of Flashback

Lupin explained that he escaped to send a message while the werewolves were preparing to attack the Muggle village.

He apparated as far as possible and took some time to find an owl that could make international flights.

Lupin returned to the hideout at night. The full moon had risen, but thanks to the Wolfsbane Potion, he remained conscious. As he approached, he saw the mountain on fire, and thanks to his enhanced hearing, he could hear the howls of the wolves.

He didn't want to get any closer; he was afraid. As the hours passed, the howls gradually diminished. He knew the other wolves were dead. He heard gunshots and realized that the Muggles were killing the werewolves.

Everyone was stunned by this information.

Lupin said he hid in the bushes, waiting for the gunfire and howling to stop.

Dumbledore: Are you certain they were Muggles, Lupin?

Lupin: Yes, I'm sure.

Dumbledore: Were the flames behaving strangely?

Lupin: Yes, they burned everything at an impressive speed and spread very quickly. The mountain itself didn't stop burning, even though it was made of rocks.

Snape: Perhaps someone cast Incendio, but who would be helping the Muggles?

Sirius: Probably someone with knowledge of dark magic.

Snape: Black...

Both were interrupted by Dumbledore: Sirius, this meeting is important. If you have nothing of value to contribute, please remain silent.

Lupin: At first, I thought it was the Incendio spell, but the flames were black, unless it's a variation I don't know.

Dumbledore and Snape pondered. What kind of talented wizard would help the Muggles? They hoped this wizard wasn't on Voldemort's side.

Lupin: I was very weak when dawn broke, so I waited until noon to leave the bushes. As I approached, I saw that there were no werewolf survivors. I found some charred bodies, but there was no sign of magic.

Everyone fell silent, deep in thought. Dumbledore was very thoughtful but was already planning what to do next.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now