Common Room

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All the first-year students were surprised to hear this. Some even thought it was fair that such a tradition existed.

Draco observed the Uchiha with intrigue. His father had told him not to irritate the Uchiha, or he would end up being just another victim of the killer wizard. However, Draco didn't believe his father's words, as he only saw an eleven-year-old blood-traitor.

Several Slytherin students looked at the Uchiha with mocking smiles, as they despised the blood-traitor who had entered their house.

Abel Rosier thought the same and decided to support Felix Bulstrode from the third year and Jhona Gamp from the fifth year.

Abel: Well, since it's going to be a friendly duel, let's make room for them to duel here in the common room.

Gemma: Abel, no! You'll get us into trouble.

Abel: Mr. Uchiha, you should know that what happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin. This rule has been in place since the founding of our house. Any student who breaks this rule will be expelled from Slytherin.

All the first-year students were astonished, while the older students just smiled.

Felix: I'll go first.

Jhona: Don't finish him off quickly; I want to have some fun too.

Felix: Don't worry. - He said with a mischievous grin.

Abel: Mr. Uchiha and Felix, step to the center. Don't worry; it won't be like a formal duel. Now, each of you will take ten steps, and when I count to three, you will start. Understood?

Sasuke and Felix merely nodded, each taking ten steps and staring each other down.

Felix began to laugh.

Sasuke: What's so funny?

Felix: You're an idiot, and you'll regret coming to Slytherin.

Abel: Start.

Felix wasted no time and flicked his wand.


Sasuke, seeing the spell approach, simply sidestepped to dodge it.

Sasuke: Is that all you've got?

Felix: I'm just warming up. - He said, flicking his wand again.


Sasuke walked towards Felix while dodging the spells.

All the spectators were left speechless. They were impressed to see the Uchiha dodging Bulstrode's spells so effortlessly.

Felix: Damn it, why can't I hit him? - He thought, trying to keep flicking his wand, but Sasuke grabbed his hand.

Felix: What the...

Sasuke punched Felix in the face, making him drop to his knees, clutching his nose.

Felix: Damn you... How dare you spill my blood!

Furious, Felix decided to charge at Sasuke to strike him without using his wand.

Sasuke also charged towards him and hit him in the stomach, making him kneel again. Then, Sasuke finished with a spinning kick, leaving Felix unconscious on the ground.

The entire room fell silent. No one expected this outcome; no one expected to see Felix Bulstrode defeated without magic and by a first-year student.

Jhona Gamp pushed through the crowd, glaring at Sasuke.

Jhona: Don't get cocky just because you beat this loser.

Sasuke: You talk too much. Prove you're not a loser like him.

Jhona: It will be my pleasure.

Abel was also a bit surprised, but Jhona was in the fifth year and knew more spells. He would definitely put Sasuke in his place.

Abel: Begin.


(This spell dislocates the pointed extremity with the wand)

The spell grazed past Sasuke.

Sasuke: His shot is faster than the last one - He thought.

The spectators noticed that Jhona really wanted to hurt Sasuke. Gemma, as a monitor, was worried about what Professor Snape would do to them if he found out.

Draco couldn't believe what he was witnessing. It seemed his father was right. He immediately went to warn Crabbe and Goyle.


(This curse inflicts the enemy with a general sense of malaise, enhancing sensations of cold and distress.)

Sasuke continued to dodge the spells that whizzed just inches away from him.

Sasuke: I can't keep this up. The space to dodge is too small - He thought while dodging.

Jhona: He's fast, I have to admit. But how will you escape this? - He thought as he struck the ground with his wand - FLUCTUS.

(Spell that generates a wave of energy)

Sasuke, seeing the energy wave approaching, jumped to evade it.

Jhona: Thank you. Now the students behind you won't get hurt - He thought, smiling - BOMBARDA!

Gemma screamed at Jhona's actions.

Abel: YOU IDIOT, WE MUST BE SUBTLE! - He shouted.

Sasuke, in mid-air, watched as the spell approached him. He smiled and waved his wand.

Sasuke: PROTEGO!

An invisible shield appeared in front of Sasuke. The spell, upon hitting the shield, ricocheted back towards Jhona.

Everyone was astonished to see how the spell was returning to Jhona.

Jhona dove to the ground to dodge it, as he didn't have enough time to conjure a shield.

The spot where Jhona had been exploded, damaging the floor. Jhona looked at the place where he had been standing, frightened. He knew he would have been seriously injured if he hadn't managed to dodge.

Sasuke took advantage of Jhona's distraction to flick his wand.


Jhona screamed as he shot upwards like a rocket to collide with the ceiling. Sasuke ran to position himself under Jhona. When Jhona was close to the ground, Sasuke struck him in the face with such force that he crashed against a wall.

The entire common room was silent. No one could believe what had just happened. A first-year student had defeated a third-year student and a fifth-year student.

Someone behind Sasuke waved their wand in an attempt to cast a spell on him, but Sasuke, without turning, waved his wand.


The student fell petrified to the ground.

Abel: Flint, you idiot! I have to end this or we'll be humiliated further - He thought - Good job, Mr. Uchiha. You've shown your worth. Even after winning the duel, you didn't let your guard down and managed to avoid the surprise attack - He said, looking at Sasuke.

Several first-year students thought everything was staged so they could learn not to lower their guard during combat.

Abel: Welcome to Slytherin, Mr. Uchiha.

Sasuke merely nodded.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now