Muggle Minister

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At Grimmauld Place, Tonks and Kingsley reported everything that had happened at the Auror headquarters.

Sirius: So he took over the Auror headquarters?

Kingsley: You could say that.

Dumbledore: This is concerning. She is gaining more power.

Sirius: What did you expect from a Slytherin? You need to keep him away from Harry.

Dumbledore: I've already told you he hasn't done anything to endanger the other students.

Sirius: Do you need more proof that he's a danger? He attacked 30 students, and you've said yourself that he doesn't hesitate to kill.

Minerva: I thought he should be suspended, but Mr. McLaggen confessed that they were the ones who started it all. I can't believe a Gryffindor would bully others or attack so many students.

Dumbledore: Mr. Uchiha is now under the Minister's protection. Even if I wanted to, I can't expel him without good reason. Regardless, how did the younger students react?

Sirius: They were shocked when they saw the newspaper. They think Uchiha is using Bones since she couldn't get Harry's support.

Dumbledore: Any word from Lupin?

Sirius: Nothing. I've been following several Death Eaters, but found nothing.

Dumbledore: Snape also hasn't gotten any information from Lupin. The only thing he managed to learn was that Voldemort is working on a secret project involving only a few Death Eaters, along with abducting Muggles.

Moody: Forget about Lupin, Black. If we haven't found him by now, it's likely he's dead.

Sirius: What did you say? Remus can't be dead. He must be trapped somewhere, and I'm going to rescue him.

Moody: Forget that and focus on protecting your godson. I want you to patrol Hogsmeade.

Sirius: I'll do that when Harry leaves the castle. For now, I'm concentrating on finding Remus.

Moody: Do what you want.

The others remained silent, observing the argument.

Molly: Professor Dumbledore, do you think they are abducting Muggles to create Inferi?

Dumbledore: It's possible, but the question is why he's doing this in secret, excluding the other Death Eaters.


The next day, all students were supposed to return to Hogwarts, but one student sent a letter to the Headmaster claiming he would arrive late due to personal reasons. He also sent letters to his friends along with a list of exercises to be completed in the Room of Requirement.

Three days later, in the Minister of Magic's office, Amelia Bones, Sasuke Uchiha, and Rufus Scrimgeour were present.

Sasuke: Minister, I've been reviewing the previous cases, and I've determined that the three who were arrested are innocent.

Rufus: We had to detain them. They were boasting about having important and confidential information regarding the ministry.

Sasuke: And that was a lie. Now they'll claim they were wrongfully imprisoned to the papers.

Amelia: What do you propose?

Sasuke: Release them, pay compensation, and offer an additional amount for their silence regarding the matter, while declaring they were under the Imperius Curse.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now