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Luna approached the Slytherin table where the emo was sitting.

Luna: Sasuke, I've been thinking about the Daily Prophet article that only recognized Harry Potter as Hogwarts' champion. Wouldn't you want to send a note complaining about it?

Sasuke: It's unnecessary. When the trials begin, they'll assess our performance, not our fame.

Luna: I asked my dad to publish an article in your name. I'll conduct the interview; what do you think?

Sasuke: It's not necessary.

Luna: But, Sasuke, you're also a champion.

Sasuke: You don't need to dwell on this, Luna.

Luna: You're my friend, Sasuke. Let me help you, please.

Sasuke: Okay. When do you want to do the interview?

Luna: This weekend in Hogsmeade.

Sasuke: I can't that day. I have no intention of going to Hogsmeade.

Luna: Why not?

Sasuke: I need to train and prepare for the trials. But if you want, we can do the interview here in the castle.

Luna: Okay.

They saw Draco approaching with Crabbe and Goyle. Luna greeted them, but they didn't respond until they saw the emo behind her and quickly waved.

Luna stepped away, and after a while, the emo left for the next class. Sasuke joined Zacharias and Luna at the end of the class. The three of them finished the assignments left by the teachers and started practicing magic.

Zacharias: Why are we practicing the same spells?

Sasuke: Because they're important.

Zacharias: But shouldn't we learn new spells?

Sasuke: It's essential to have a strong foundation to progress. If you don't practice the spells you already know, you won't grow more powerful. For example, having the energy of 100 wizards but not knowing how to control it, wasting a lot of energy on a simple spell.

Sasuke: You'll understand better with an example. Winki - he said, making a house-elf appear.

Winki: I call you Master Sasuke.

Sasuke: Yes, do you see that flower vase on the desk?

Winki: Yes.

Sasuke: I want you to destroy it with one of your spells.

Winki: Okay, Master.

Sasuke: Zacharias, use the protection spell to prevent her from destroying the vase.

Zacharias quickly cast the spell on the vase. Winki focused her magic in her hand and fired. Zacharias was surprised to see that the elf's spell broke through the protection and shattered the vase.

Sasuke approached the vase and used the Reparo spell. The vase was restored.

Sasuke: Now it's your turn, Luna. Break the vase again, Winki.

Luna concentrated and shouted, "Protego!" Winki focused her magic and fired, but the spell didn't breach the protection.

Sasuke: Again, Winki.

Luna tried again, shouting "Protego!" but her protection only held against two more of Winki's shots before it was destroyed by the elf.

Sasuke approached Winki and thanked her for her help. "Do you understand now? You need to learn to control and enhance your magic," he said as they continued practicing.

When they finished, they went to an empty room so Luna could conduct the interview. Luna started by asking his name, his parents' names, why he entered the tournament, and if he was afraid of the trials. Sasuke answered all the questions.

Meanwhile, in Hogsmeade, Harry and Hermione were at the Three Broomsticks with Sirius.

Sirius: So, when did you two start going out together? - he asked, noticing how they stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before shaking their heads.

Sirius: I see. And where's Ron? - he asked.

Harry told him what had happened between them after the selection of champions.

Sirius: Don't worry. He'll apologize once he realizes his mistake. No one is perfect.

Sirius: I came to talk about the spell that will help you with the dragon trial. Let's discuss it somewhere else - he said, leading the three of them out of the Three Broomsticks and away from the village to a cave.

Sirius: The dragon's skin is very tough and repels spells. To knock it out, it would take 10 wizards attacking at the same time, but a dragon has a weak point: its eyes. That's why I recommend the Conjunctivitis Curse.

Harry: Why did you bring those roosters?

Sirius: So you can practice and master the curse together.

Harry: But I already have a strategy.

Sirius: It's good to have a backup plan.

Hermione: He has a point.

Sirius: Is something worrying you, Harry? - he asked.

Harry: It's Uchiha. He doesn't know about the dragons, but the others do. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

Sirius: Don't worry. I'm sure Snivellus will tell him.

Harry and Hermione spent the entire day practicing the curse. Later, they said goodbye to Sirius and returned to the castle.

Harry thought that Sirius was right and that Snape would probably inform Uchiha about the dragons.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now