Alliance I

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In Minister Bones's office, she was sipping a glass of fiery whiskey. She had never imagined, not even in her wildest dreams, that she would fight alongside Muggles and rejects. The strategy devised by Sasuke was extraordinary; not even during the first war against Voldemort had such tactics crossed her mind. As she drank, she continued to recall the emo's words: "The weak have their own way of fighting."


At Hogwarts, everyone was talking about Sasuke since he hadn't returned after the Christmas holidays, in addition to the announcement in the Daily Prophet. Some theorized that he was hunting Death Eaters, others believed he was injured at St. Mungo's, or that he was at the Ministry serving as propaganda.

Only seven students knew the truth: Draco, Daphne, Ginny, Zacharias, Astoria, and Luna. Sasuke had sent them letters explaining the situation and providing instructions to continue their training.

The seventh person was sitting at the table in her house, staring across the Great Hall.

Hannah: What's wrong, Susan?

Susan: Nothing.

Hannah: Then why are you looking at the Slytherin table?

Susan: It's not what you think. I wasn't looking at anyone.

Hannah: No one? I never said you were looking at anyone.

Susan: Forget it, I got confused.

Hannah: You've been acting strange since you came back from break. Did something happen?

Susan: Yes, I'll tell you later - she said, noticing that her housemates were trying to listen to their conversation.

Meanwhile, in Professor Snape's office, he was speaking with an unwelcome visitor.

Slughorn: Severus, you need to convince Mr. Uchiha to attend my parties.

Snape: I don't think I can persuade him.

Slughorn: But, Severus, you must try. It could be beneficial for making good contacts.

Snape: If this is so important to you, why don't you convince him yourself? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do.

Slughorn, disappointed, left the office. He had asked Snape for help because he knew he wouldn't be able to convince Sasuke on his own.


Back in the Minister's office, Amelia Bones was holding a private meeting. She had cast protective spells so that no one could spy on or overhear the conversation. Inside the office were Amelia Bones, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Sasuke Uchiha.

Amelia: I have the report from the Muggle Minister. He says it will take at least two days to locate all the rejects on the list, plus an additional three days to establish a base.

Amelia: He also informed me that it will take a week to secure the mercenaries. His contacts have a list of available mercenaries, and he wants to know how many we will need.

Sasuke: Well, let's set a date and time to meet with the rejects who will participate. As for the mercenaries, we will need about 150. Tell him not to forget to speak with customs to ensure they can smuggle the weapons.

Scrimgeour: Regarding the mirrors, I spoke with the manufacturers. They can make them to the required specifications, as long as we provide them. The mirrors will cost 200 Galleons each.

Sasuke: Specify the dimensions of 22 inches (27.4 cm x 48.7 cm) and tell them we'll need about 200.

Amelia: That's a lot, Sasuke. That's 40,000 Galleons. How will we justify this expense if everything is being kept secret?

Sasuke: Wars aren't cheap. Besides, we will need them. By the time they notice these expenses, a lot of time will have passed. Scrimgeour, before I forget, prepare a magical confidentiality contract with the alchemists.

Rufus left the office to meet with the alchemists, leaving Sasuke and Amelia alone.

Sasuke: I have another request.

Amelia: What is it this time?

Sasuke: I need all Ministry employees to have identification badges, and every entrance should have a badge identification control.

Amelia: That's simple enough to implement, but why?

Sasuke: As you know, there could be infiltrators in the Ministry. Some may be under the Imperius Curse, traitors, or sympathizers.

Sasuke: There are currently no ways to identify them, as they may erase their memories or be people using Polyjuice Potion. There might even be Occlumens among them.

Amelia: I understand, but will these identification badges help in any way?

Sasuke: Not much, but it's a measure. Those who took Polyjuice Potion might end up overlooking the importance of the badge, making it easier to identify them. Additionally, I want to add another function to the badges.

Amelia: Why don't we discuss this with Rufus present?

Sasuke: Because I don't fully trust him yet. Moreover, when you were attacked, someone provided information about your house, the number of people present, and defensive spells. The fewer people who know the plans, the better, so we won't have any information leaks.

Amelia: I see, but did you ever suspect me at any point?

Sasuke: You were on the brink of death. No one is a good actor in such a situation.

Amelia nodded.

Sasuke: We will also need more house-elves beyond those we have in the Ministry.

Amelia: Why?

Sasuke: We need their help. Besides cleaning, they can restock supplies at the base, conduct reconnaissance, and deliver personal messages.

Amelia understood. There were other ways to utilize the elves besides household service. The question now was where to find more.

Sasuke: Many pure-blood families free elves when they grow old. Families in decline end up selling them as slaves in Knockturn Alley.

Amelia: How many do we need?

Sasuke: Buy as many as you can. Purchase the old and sick ones, as they will be cheaper. We can heal them to be fit for work.

Amelia: And who will be their master?

Sasuke: Well, since we're not the only ones here, you can take half, and I'll take the other half.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now