Malfoy Manor I

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Three days had passed since the emo's return. Now, he had to attend a party at the Malfoy Manor. He was getting ready, as he still needed to go to Diagon Alley to pick up the portkey that would take him to the manor.

Sasuke decided to wear last year's tuxedo, as he had only used it once and disliked the wizards' formal robes. He called Winky, and both headed to Diagon Alley.


Meanwhile, at the Order of the Phoenix, the members were searching for clues about Raven's whereabouts. The capture and death of Fenrir Greyback had been reported in the Daily Prophet, with credit given to a bounty hunter named Raven.

The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, declared that his administration was yielding results, as the werewolf Fenrir Greyback had never been captured under the previous minister, Millicent Bagnold.

It's important to note that we will continue our efforts to keep the magical community hidden and safe. We will strive to empower young witches and wizards to represent the future of magic. The Ministry...

Alastor stopped reading the newspaper and began to explain the investigation's situation.

Moody: There's nothing. This guy only shows up when he wants to. There's no way to contact him, and no one knows what his face looks like. He joined the bounty hunters' guild two years ago and is already known as the best hunter.

Arthur: That still doesn't tell us anything. We don't know if he's with the Ministry or with the one who must not be named. It seems like he's only motivated by money.

Bill: I investigated Gringotts, but there's no vault under his name.

Moody: Dumbledore said we should recruit him. But we need to consider the possibility that he could be our enemy.

Lupin: How's the surveillance on Sasuke Uchiha going?

Tonks, hearing the emo's name, grew grim, and Molly looked at Lupin with a disapproving expression.

Kingsley: Dumbledore said that for now, our priority is finding Raven. But thanks to Snape, we know he'll be attending a gala at Malfoy Manor. Given the good relationship he has with the Malfoys, we might consider him a lost cause. He said, causing everyone to sigh and nod in agreement.


At Diagon Alley, specifically in Madame Malkin's shop, there were several people lined up to use a Portkey.

He arrived and saw many people entering the shop with their families. Soon, he recognized familiar faces from Slytherin, accompanied by their respective families: the Yaxleys, Greengrasses, Averys, Zabinies, Notts...

While waiting to enter, Sean Avery approached him.

Sean: Hey, Sasuke. Didn't expect to see you here.

Sasuke: I got an invitation. Wasn't planning on coming, but Draco insisted. He begged a lot, so I decided to accept.

Sean: Ah, Draco. I see. He said nervously. So, he doesn't know the real purpose of this party. He thought.

The families entered one by one until it was the emo's turn. He grabbed the key and appeared in the manor's garden, where an elf announced his arrival: SASUKE UCHIHA.

Many people looked at him, feigning disinterest. Others recognized him as the youngest Triwizard Tournament champion, the student who brought glory to Slytherin, despite being a Muggle-born.

Some people looked at him with disdain, mainly because he wasn't wearing formal wizarding robes.

Draco approached and expressed his happiness at the emo's presence. He explained that they were celebrating a special event today.

Draco: The other special event of this party is the blind date with members of prominent wizarding families. The purpose of this event is to find suitable spouses for the heirs of the major families.

Draco: You know, almost everyone is related within the British magical aristocracy, and if they keep marrying among themselves, sooner or later, future generations will start being born with deformities.

Sasuke: So fresh blood is needed. He said darkly. And I am that fresh blood. The emo's tone revealed his anger. He hadn't expected that they wanted to turn him into a stud.

Draco: No, no, no. You're definitely not fresh blood, just a guest. The fresh blood comes from pure-blood aristocrats from other countries.

Draco: You were invited to be introduced to a circle of British noble wizards, that's all, he said nervously. But if you're interested in any girl during the banquet, you're free to approach and talk to her.

Around the manor, large expanses of grass and flowers covered the entire perimeter. The children played arrogantly on the grass, and sometimes a glowing firefly would fly by, causing them to shriek.

The scent of flowers was refreshing, and the landscape made the emo feel like it was spring again.

Draco: Not bad, right?

Draco noticed the emo's expression and decided to change the subject.

Draco: Enough of that. I'll take you to my father. He's been wanting to meet you for some time now, he said, dragging Sasuke toward the manor.

Many guests, dressed in the finest formal attire, looked on curiously.

They couldn't understand why young Malfoy was personally escorting Sasuke to the manor.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now