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As they walked down the corridor, Draco, Ginny, Luna, Zacharias, Daphne, and Astoria appeared completely exhausted. The marathon had worn them out so much that they could barely move. At the end of the hall, they each separated to head to their respective common rooms.

When Zacharias entered the common room, he was approached by Susan and Hannah.

Susan: Zacharias, where were you, Sasuke, and Luna? I've been looking for you.

Zacharias: We just went for a walk in the forest.

Hannah: In the forest? What did you do there?

Zacharias: I shouldn't have said that. He thought.

Zacharias: We went... to see the Thestrals.

Hannah: Can he see them?

Susan: Of course. I'm sure he started seeing them after he saved me from those Death Eaters.

Hannah: Yes, you're right.

Zacharias: What are they talking about? He could see them for two years. He thought.

Susan: Who else was there?

Zacharias: It doesn't matter.

Susan: Of course it matters. Tell us the names of the girls.

Arnold Summerby: Zacharias, the team meeting is about to start.

Zacharias: Sorry, they're calling me.

Susan: You have to tell us the names.

But Zacharias hurried away toward the corner where the other Quidditch team members were. Susan didn't dare make a scene, as that would only tarnish her reputation, and she didn't want Sasuke to know about it.


Harry had already been discharged from the hospital, and Ron accompanied him to the Gryffindor common room, while Neville had to stay in the infirmary, but he was conscious and said his goodbyes.

When Harry and Ron arrived at the common room, they found Hermione sitting in an armchair by the fireplace, waiting for them. She called them over to talk.

Hermione was telling Harry and Ron that Sasuke had burned the map. Ron and Harry cursed Sasuke for doing that.

Hermione: Sasuke discovered the secret of the map and burned it so that no one else could use it to ambush anyone. Plus, Sirius was following him, and we don't know for how long.

Harry: You're defending him a lot.

Ron: You're so worried about him that you're going to join his fan club?

Hermione: It's not about that; it's about being fair.

The door opened, and Ginny entered.

Ron: Where have you been?

Ginny: That's none of your business.

Ron: Of course it is.

Ginny: I was with my Slytherin friends, if you must know.

Ron: Stay away from them. You know how dangerous they can be. Did you see what Uchiha did to Sirius and Harry?

Ginny: Do you want me to remind you why?

Ron fell silent.

Ginny: One tried to kill you, and the other attacked you. She said, glancing at Harry.

Fed up with the argument, Ginny decided to walk away, leaving Ron speechless. He muttered "women" as she walked off.

Ron then moved closer to where Harry and Hermione were sitting, but Harry was rummaging through his things, looking for something.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now