Sasuke vs Sirius I

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The next day, Harry tried to communicate with Sirius, but he wasn't responding through the mirror.

Ron: Harry, he still hasn't replied.

Harry: I called him all night.

Ron: Don't worry; he probably just needs some time.

Harry: You're right, but if he doesn't respond at all today, I'll ask Dumbledore to find him.

In the Great Hall, Sirius was tucked away in a corner, cloaked in invisibility, watching Sasuke.

After breakfast, Sasuke left the Great Hall accompanied by Astoria and Luna, heading towards the History of Magic classroom.

Astoria: Sasuke, it was incredible how you fought the werewolf.

Luna: Yes, and the way you used Apparition was a bit brutal; I never imagined it could be used like that.

Sasuke: All spells can be dangerous, not just the Dark Arts. What matters is the intent. There are several light spells that can be used to torture or even kill someone.

Luna: But the book doesn't say that.

Sasuke: Because the person who wrote it isn't perfect. Have you seen how Apparition can be used? Just imagine how the other spells would be.

Astoria: I don't want to imagine.

Upon reaching the classroom, all the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were already seated. They took their places as Professor Binns appeared through the blackboard.

Professor Binns observed them and began the lesson.

Goblin Rebellions

One of these rebellions occurred in 1612, near the magical village of Hogsmeade. The Three Broomsticks inn was used as the headquarters for wizards to confront the rebellion.

In 1752, another goblin rebellion took place in Great Britain. Due to poor organization against this uprising, the Minister of Magic, Albert Bout, resigned. His successor, Basil Flack, lasted only two months in office, resigning when the goblins allied with the werewolves. Hesphaestus Gore was then appointed Minister.

Another rebellion in the 18th century gained notoriety for being quite popular, as Urg the Dirty, a goblin, participated in the revolt and appeared on one of the Chocolate Frog cards because of it.

After several hours of speaking, Professor Binns abruptly paused and crossed through the blackboard; some of the students, half asleep, began to wake up while others left.

In the Great Hall, it was lunchtime, and the three had just arrived.

Sasuke: Astoria, Luna, I want us to meet in the Room of Requirement after lunch. Let Daphne, Draco, Ginny, and Zacharias know; we have some important matters to discuss.

Both nodded and went to inform the others.

After lunch, Sasuke, Astoria, and Zacharias made their way to Astronomy class, located in the tallest tower of the castle. Professor Sinistra was waiting for them.

Sinistra: Good afternoon, students.

All the others replied in greeting.

Sinistra: Today we will study the moons of Jupiter and their composition.

The lesson was tedious, as the professor spoke non-stop. Meanwhile, Astoria and Zacharias were focused on what Sasuke had to say.

At the end of the class, the three headed to the Room of Requirement, where Draco, Daphne, Ginny, and Luna were already waiting.

Draco: Sasuke, what's so urgent that you want to discuss?

Sasuke: Because of the incident in Hogsmeade, I realized that you don't have an ace up your sleeve.

Ginny: An ace?

Sasuke: A definitive spell to end your enemies. That's why I decided you should learn it, but you're not obligated to do so.

Daphne: What are you going to teach us?

Sasuke: The Killing Curse, "Avada Kedavra."

Draco: You've mastered all three?

Sasuke: It's not necessary to learn the others; it's a waste of time. Instead, the Killing Curse is a good weapon.

Ginny: But Sasuke, that's forbidden. We could be sent to Azkaban.

Luna: I don't want to kill.

At the mention of that word, the others fell silent.

Sasuke: It's not about killing, Luna. There are two types of people: those who kill for pleasure and those who do it to protect. Even among animals, we see this, like parents who hunt to feed their young.

Zacharias: But it's the Killing Curse.

Sasuke: That's why I say it will be your ace, your last resort. I'm not asking you to use it indiscriminately. That attack in Hogsmeade should have opened your eyes, right? The Death Eaters won't hesitate to cast the Killing Curse.

Astoria: But it's dark magic; it won't affect us.

Sasuke: As I said, in magic, what counts is the intent. If the intent is to harm or kill, it's possible to achieve that with a basic spell. But we are at war. There will be times when you will have to kill to protect. This attack, I suppose, opened your eyes.

Everyone thought about how close they had been to death, but they still had their doubts.

Sasuke: So, I want you to think carefully. You have until the weekend to decide; I won't force you to learn this, and besides, it won't affect your training. So, decide for yourselves.

Sasuke left the Room of Requirement, leaving them unsure about what decision to make.

Sirius was waiting outside the Room of Requirement. Since he couldn't run, he hadn't made it inside in time, so he had to wait.

Sasuke walked through the corridors, unaware that someone was closely following him. However, Madame Nora approached from the front and began to meow.

Sasuke: I get it, Madame Nora.

Sasuke knelt down to give her some biscuits he still had in his pocket.

Sirius: It's now or never, he thought, pointing his wand at the emo. Avada Kedavra.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now