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In Hogsmeade, more Aurors, wizards from the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad, a team of healers from St. Mungo's Hospital, and journalists arrived. They were administering first aid to the injured, but the severe cases were transported to St. Mungo's. Professor Flitwick, along with some fifth and sixth-year students who fought against the werewolf, began collecting the bodies. At Zonko's, there were no survivors; both employees and the owner had perished.

No one from the Ministry or St. Mungo's Hospital made any statements, prompting the journalists to interview students and locals. Through these interviews, they uncovered significant revelations, such as the explosion near the train station and Sasuke Uchiha's fight against the werewolf without a wand.

The reporters divided into two groups: the first aimed to secure an exclusive interview with Sasuke, while the other headed to the train station. Near the site, they caught the scent of blood. The ground was devastated, showing signs of having been burned. When they looked up, they saw the bodies of many Death Eaters; some bore signs of having been burned, and there were three giants, one of which was headless, with no traces of the head anywhere.


Reporter 2 approached the three Aurors guarding the area: TELL US WHAT HAPPENED HERE.

Aurors: MOVE AWAY.


Reporters 5 and 6 were taking photos.



Sasuke was sitting on a stone until two Aurors approached him, accompanied by three healers.

Bell: Sir, here are the three healers you requested.

Sasuke: I need you to take this body to St. Mungo's and examine it as soon as possible.

Healer 1: But, Mr. Uchiha, there are only pieces left.

Sasuke: I don't care. Take them and examine them. We need to know why and how he transformed without a full moon.

Healer 2: Understood, Mr. Uchiha.

Both healers and Aurors moved toward the werewolf's remains, but Kingsley, Tonks, and Black were nearby, comforting Sirius, who was crying and calling out Remus's name.

Upon their arrival, the Aurors asked them to step away from the remains.


Healer 1: Please understand, Mr. Black, we have orders to take the remains for examination.

Sirius drew his wand: MY FRIEND IS NOT A LAB RAT.

The other Aurors positioned themselves in front of the healer and drew their wands.

Bell: Put down your wand, Black. We have orders to follow.

Kingsley: Orders from whom? — he said, raising his wand.

Bell: From someone with a higher rank than yours, Kingsley.

Scrimgeour: What is going on here? Put down your wands.

Kingsley: Mr. Scrimgeour, you can't take the body as if it were nothing. He is our friend. We want to give him a proper burial.

Scrimgeour: I'm sorry, but these are Mr. Uchiha's orders. Once we finish examining, you may bury him.

Tonks: But...

Scrimgeour: No buts. We need to find out how he transformed without a full moon. If Voldemort managed to do this to him, I suspect there may be other werewolves in the same state to use.

Tonks and Kingsley lowered their wands and moved Sirius away.

Kingsley: Calm down, Sirius. You won't achieve anything by fighting. Let's go to Dumbledore; he'll know what to do.

The healers took advantage of the moment and collected the remains.


At Hogwarts, everyone was discussing the attack on Hogsmeade. In the Great Hall, the absence of students from the three houses was evident, as most had been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital. Others were picked up by their parents, as Hogwarts was no longer considered as safe as they once thought.

The only table that remained unscathed was that of Slytherin.

Dumbledore stood to speak.

Dumbledore: I would like to say a few words. As you already know, today at noon, Hogsmeade was attacked by Voldemort's followers.

Everyone shuddered at the mention of that name.

Dumbledore: Despite the adversities, many students rose to confront the enemies and protect their classmates.

Dumbledore: I must commend the students and teachers who fought valiantly; thanks to their efforts, we did not lose a single student. As for Professor Flitwick, although he was severely injured, his life is not in danger, but he will need time to recover. The forces of darkness will attack with intensity, but united, we shall not be defeated. Therefore, I ask everyone for a strong round of applause for all of us, demonstrating that unity is strength.

Everyone in the Great Hall applauded. Some shouted the names of the defenders who fought against the Death Eaters.


At the Hog's Head Inn, several members of the Order of the Phoenix were gathered to pay tribute to Remus. They all shared what had happened, and they had already received Dumbledore's message, stating that Minister Bones had not permitted the recovery of Remus's body until the analysis was complete. Dumbledore joined them later to toast as well.

Dumbledore: Sirius, stop. You need to rest.

Sirius: No, Professor Dumbledore, I need this. — He said, pouring himself another glass of fire whiskey.

Dumbledore: Don't blame yourself; it wasn't your fault.

Sirius: It was, I failed, just as I failed with James.

Dumbledore: Sirius.

Sirius: You're right, Professor Dumbledore. Just leave me alone; I need to rest.

Dumbledore: Very well. And I deeply regret what happened to Remus. — He said, stepping away.

Sirius clenched his fists, remembering how Remus was injured by Sasuke Uchiha.

Sirius rummaged through his pockets and pulled out the Marauder's Map and the invisibility cloak.

Sirius: I will kill you. — He thought, recalling Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now