Christmas Eve

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Slughorn's party began. Harry and Hermione went together, while Ron went with Lavender. Harry continued to think about how to obtain the true memory from Slughorn, and Hermione was helping, but neither of them had any idea how to achieve that.

When Slughorn spoke, no one could stop him, as he recounted his stories with his former students, who were now well-placed in the wizarding community. He lamented that Mr. Uchiha had declined his invitations, and there was a rumor that he had personally rejected Slughorn when he was invited.

This was one of the reasons why several Slytherin girls, who were also part of the club, didn't dare to invite him since he had declared the club to be nonsense from the beginning of the semester.

Christmas break began, and many students left Hogwarts. The Weasleys and Harry would go to Grimmauld Place to celebrate. Hermione, on the other hand, would be going with her parents to spend Christmas.

At King's Cross station, Fred, George, Arthur, Tonks, and Sirius were waiting for them.

Arthur: How was Hogwarts, everyone?

Ginny: It was good, Dad.

Arthur: That's great. Let's hurry; your mother must be waiting for us.

Sirius hugged Harry, while Fred and George teased Ron about his girlfriend. Hermione quickly said her goodbyes as her parents waited for her on the other side of the barrier.

Just as they were about to apparate, an owl arrived and dropped off a package for Ginny, which she quickly tucked away while everyone watched...

Finally, they vanished.


Daphne: Sasuke, are you free on Christmas? I was wondering if you could come to my house.

Sasuke: Sorry, but I'll be busy.

Luna said goodbye to everyone too; she had invited Sasuke to her house the day before, but was also turned down.

Draco: Zacharias, here you go – he said, handing him a box.

Zacharias: Thanks, I'll return the favor.

Luna: That's what I think it is.

Draco: Yes, they finished just in time. I just sent it to Ginny with an owl.

In the end, everyone said their goodbyes. Sasuke walked away from the station and called his two house-elves waiting at home.

Sasuke: Beta, Gamma.

Beta and Gamma: Yes, Master.

Sasuke: Take me home – he said, and the three vanished.

The next day, Sasuke continued his training in taijutsu, kenjutsu, and ninjutsu, all with the help of his clones.


Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, Dumbledore and Snape were saying their goodbyes, agreeing on the plan to protect the student.

Snape: I don't trust Dumbledore. – He thought.

He believed that Dumbledore would sacrifice the emo to make them think he wasn't a traitor. If help was sent, it would be an hour after the attack to avoid drawing attention.

Snape: I need to think of something. If the Dark Lord goes personally with some Death Eaters, I doubt Mr. Uchiha stands a chance unless someone warns him in advance. The question is, who will that person be?


In one of the Malfoy family's houses abroad, in France, Draco arrived through an international portkey.

Narcissa: Draco, I'm glad you arrived; I missed you.

Draco: I missed you too, Mom.

Narcissa: How are things at Hogwarts? You haven't written much in the last two weeks...

Draco: Sorry, I've been busy with studies and the Quidditch team. Thanks again for the Firebolt; we managed to win thanks to it.

Narcissa: That's great.

Draco: Have you had any contact with Aunt Bellatrix?

Narcissa: No, no one has come looking for me. Besides, I made sure no one knew I would be here. As you know, our family has many houses abroad, so I doubt they'll find me quickly. Also, Severus made sure to place protective and alarm charms.

Draco: That's good to hear, Mom.

Narcissa: Better ask how things are going with your friends.

Draco: Everything's fine, Mom. – He didn't dare say out loud that he no longer trusted his supposed friends as some had shown their true colors in the last month.

Narcissa: By the way, why did you ask me to withdraw your second wand from Gringotts?

Draco: There's nothing to worry about, Mom; I just want to keep it as a backup.

Narcissa: Be careful not to lose it.


Greengrass Mansion, both sisters arrived and were greeted by their parents.

Diana: How did it go? Did you manage to invite Mr. Uchiha to spend Christmas with us?

Daphne: Sorry, Mom, but he said he would be busy.

Diana: What a shame. I wish he could come and spend Christmas with us. Make sure to invite him for the summer. We could travel together.

Daphne: Mom, that's not necessary.

Diana: Of course it is. I want him as my future son-in-law, Daphne.

Astoria laughed as her sister blushed.

Her father just stared blankly, as he couldn't contradict his wife.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now